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Heyoo~ lovely beings! 😍 

The poll is now up. You can cast more than one vote. I appreciate all of your creative story ideas. Happy choosing!

Detailed descriptions:   

[A] The Sentient A.I.: Once Artificial Intelligence becomes self-aware centuries into the future, it begins to destroy humanity by the millions. But there is one conscience, one lower-class drone that has had just enough time with you to freely think and feel…compassion. They have a directive to terminate you on sight, but after falling debris delivers a sturdy whack to their central processor, they look around and see you, the photographs of your memories, the innocence…and they start to feel. (The patron who sent this idea is most welcome to message me at any time to discuss the thing :3 – I don’t know who you are but you can identify yourself privately now if you so wish)!

[B] A Scientist is Saved: A genius scientist named Alexander has caused a large-scale combination of natural disasters by inventing a machine that controls nature. The machine is now out of control, and the world is in peril. People are starting to go into bunkers, and Alexander is not allowed into safety. However, someone dear to him decides to stay out and help him find a natural place where they can (perhaps) survive. 

[C] Caretaker Unit C-4M1L, AKA Camille: You wake up in some kind of tube. As you begin to panic, a hologram flashes in front of you. She introduces herself as Caretaker Unit C-4M1L , a sentient AI in charge of running a station dedicated to preserving and indexing all of sentient life. Their previous surveys on Earth had determined that humans were at high risk of becoming extinct. She tells you that right after you were ‘relocated,’ nuclear war broke out and Earth is now a tomb world. She comforts you, and tells you of the paradise that awaits you in your new life. 

[D] The Valkyrie Eir: You are a God who has suffered defeat by Surtr during Ragnarok. Heavily wounded and out of commission, you succumb to your injuries and pass out, only to wake up surrounded by a pair of wings and a gentle voice. Eir has saved you and brought you to a safe place. She heals your wounds and comforts you with words of love. 

[E] Eldritch Goddess: You try to convince an Eldritch Goddess to spare humanity from annihilation. You are in a position to challenge her…but will you succeed? 


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