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Hey creative people!


This month's topic is: A ROMANTIC HAUNTING

She meant a lot to you while she was alive, and she still means a lot to you. You're a necromancer who tried to raise her from the dead, but something went wrong in the process and her body was dissolved. However, you managed to preserve her essence and her mind. She's now a ghost who follows you around...

Submit ideas on:

1- CHARACTER (can be human or non human) + PERSONALITY (optional)

2- What you and her are doing in the audio, and where you are

3- (Optional) Backstory (yours and/or hers)

You can submit up to 2 sets of ideas (label them IDEA 1 and IDEA 2). 

Submissions close on the 14th of July. 


For the sake of fairness, all submissions are anonymous. I will choose a few and put them up for voting. 

💛Take care everyone💛



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