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Hello all and welcome in new month, we would like to begin by notifying you about a day or two of delay before the animation goes out to all the patrons!

Long story short we simply got sick this week and that caused this small hiccup as we wrap up the content for you all, so sorry about that!

PLEASE remember that the majority of everything that will be included in the art pack is already up for early preview on the appropriate discord channels, the biggest thing still missing is the Justice animation which is being wrapped up right now!

Kuki had already sent off the rough animation version for the voiceover by the VA and SFX implementation, so that should really only take a day or two more at max before we can provide all in a single package~

And as always, we urge you to please check back on our community discord often, because this is where you're able to see all that and more on a regular basis. Please shoot us a DM of you're not a member yet and if you have any trouble joining!

PS. In case anything is unclear please check out our FAQ as well!

Take care everyone and see you with another update very soon! ❤❤❤


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