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I am very pleased to let y'all know about finally going thru with the side comic projects that I wanted to release more regularly than the art packs, a little side thingy that I could tease to people more often to have more regularly scheduled patreon exclusives to post about. But in order as to not kill myself from overworking (because Kuki would also kill me if I overwork myself  😭 ) it will have to be something simple but fun; short scenarios involving Kitty and Vienna getting into various shenanigans together, maybe shedding a bit more light onto their relationship and backsktory. 

Shorts with a length of four pages total could be made in a month, and that would mean a completed short comic each month. Alternatively, eight pages total could be released over the course of two months

The first page and all future pages are accessible to ALL patrons linked over in the chat for supporters pinned messages on discord so please check it out there! Later of course the same files will be attached in the monthly art packs but you can view them early already! <3 


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