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We've mentioned that a couple times on our channels already, but we thought it wouldn't hurt to remind one last time in public: we're going on a short break next month!

This means that we will be pausing our Patreon page for July (another pause might happen for another month of summer/early autumn but we're not entirely sure about that yet!)

For those of you who are new to all this, here's how this works: during a pause you do not have to take any action, we do not charge you any money and you do not get unsubbed either, you do not lose your tier that you pledge to. Our page simply gets "frozen" for a month so that you do not have to worry about missing out on anything, once we are back with new monthly content your subscription will simply resume normally <3

Long story short, we are just simply going on vacation because we feel like we need a short break to recharge our creative batteries~

In case you have any questions feel free to ask us in DMs! This is also a periodic reminder that all our patrons get access to private discord channels where we stay more active and post more regular updates to stay in touch with y'all <3

Oh and see you very soon with the June art pack and animation as well!


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