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Hello hello there again! Fox comin thru with another update, and we're gonna get right to the point with this one~

First of all, the goodies for April are all almost ready to be sent out and you should be receiving a DM from us in under 24hrs from now, so please look forward to that! We have a lotsa tasty Coffee treats for ya, so hopefully you're gonna enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it~

Secondly, the upcoming May animation poll is already out there and waiting for you to vote! https://www.patreon.com/posts/may-animation-50694087 

You have 4 days to decide their fate and who gets to be the lucky winner! It is a tight competition this month, I dare say ;)

We would also like to remind you to please join our Discord server as you have access to the private patron channels where you can see the majority of our monthly content very early in advance, right here and there pretty much on the daily basis. So please consider joining if you still haven't, and if you run into any problems with joining the server don't hesitate to shoot us a DM!

We will see you tomorrow with the art pack! <3

PS. If you have any questions please check out our FAQ


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