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Hi guys, once again sorry for lack of updates, i'm currently working on the game and i will write all the updates i did for the game here

Updates :

1. Voice for Elucia had finished, just need to input the voices into the game (Reminder : the voice is not full, only short showing expression like uma musume game)

2. The last 3 maps needed for Alpha release are almost done



(Town in Desert)

3. Tutorial for Battle, Stamina, & Brothel had done

4. Fixed some bugs

5. Improvement in codes to make it easier for modder in the future.

There's actually more, but they are parts of the feature i want you all to see it yourself, so that's for now ^^

Remember, I'm active in my discord server, you can ask anything there ^^



Looks amazing! I get more excited with each update!


O this game will try and support mods? Or am thinking of something different?


yes, we are support mod, but not sure to how much degree, but we made the code are modder friendly


Nice 👍moddability tends to be a good thing in most games