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Currently working on Marie's birthing CG OwO

I tried my best to make the best crowning i possibly can

and sorry QnA Video delayed due to my editor are sick and need time to add subtitle

so basically the video had long done, but i decided to just give subtitle since my english pronounciations are so bad so at least people can undestand from reading, and since the the video are 1 hour long, it takes time and my editor been busy and sick so... yeah....

please forgive me



Yata Garasu

How close are we to being able to test an alpha version of the game?


All good chief, your art is amazing so it'll be interesting how this game turns out I'm definitely excited


I believe in you and the editor will do fine, do take care of yourself 🙏


getting closer day by day, just need 3 more CGs (include this one) and what left just in game things (inputing story and some debugging)