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I just sent the PSDs and Sketches for December 2023 to the 6$+ " Goodies! " tier!

They should be in your private messages if you pledged a total of 6$ or more during December!

This month was pretty slow as far as new art was concerned, but I was able to finish all the Ch7 art!
I'll have to focus a lot on code/writing the upcoming 1-2 months so I imagine PSDs/sketches will be a bit more sparse than before for a while!

I wish you all an amazing 2024!

If you have any issues at all  just let me know!

If you're reading this in hindsight and want the files you can get them for 7$ over on my Gumroad!

Thank you very much for supporting me!!




How bad that I joined a bit late to get PSD

Douglas Ripsom

I didn't get the PM yet. Resend? Thanx! ^_^


Hello! Thank you for upping your pledge! I see you raised your pledge from 3 dollars to 6 on Jan 2nd. https://i.gyazo.com/b2844e2d986c542f483c40fd420bb5e6.png This means you've paid 6 dollars for January " Goodies. " You will get the goodies files for January at the VERY start of February. Your pledge was at 3 dollars in December, so you missed the "Goodies " for that month. You can pay for old packs on Gumroad! I'll get you sorted though so you don't have to pay more for those files. Check your DMs here on Patreon! :]