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Heya! Here's some new steamy Bronwen art!
I had fun drawing these variants! She gets sweaty and puts her shirt in her mouth to cool off, then those big jugs flop down!
I'm happy with the colors and lighting on this one! I really prefer painting suuper bright backgrounds so it was a bit of a challenge but it ended up in a good place!

At the VERY end of the scene, Bronwen will in a panic throw the player out of her window and into the water outside! It was a fun and tricky image to draw.

That's it for this art update!
This month will probably be pretty slow with art because I'm juggling a lot of different things recently both good and bad.
I have a feeew more Bronwen pics to go and then the scene will be done!

I want to add some other short things to the end of the game update as well, like another sneak-peak in the baths and stuff. We'll have to see how things turn out!

Play the latest version of the game build here : https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-pig-princess-84688293 It does NOT include this art content yet!

PSDs for these will be sent to the 6$ " Goodies! " tier in the first day or two of October!




Okay I think it's appropriate by now, when can we expect the release of the next chapter?


Hey... pigs don't sweat! I'm starting to think this game isn't based on reality.