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Tomorrow I'm going to be uploading the first " official " update and you amazing supporters will then be charged your pledged amount. I'll send sketches/study stuff ( like what can be seen above! ) as well as PSDs your way in a day or two via PM!

My Patreon page is set to NSFW, and from what I've heard incoming Paypal pledges will automatically be denied to NSFW Patreon accounts.

This means I don't get your pledge and confusion occurs!
If this information is false then please inform me on the situation! c:

If you have a visa card or something similar you could use, but are unsure of how to change your method of payment, I made this quick image compilation to show where the info is located.

Go to payment settings, add the card, edit your patronage and choose the card instead of paypal.

Thank you all so much for the support! <3 I'm making this upload because I read a Tumblr post about this issue and wanted to address it now in case weird things happen with the pledges tomorrow. 

Sorry for taking up your time, hope you have a great day/night! 




I have a NSFW one i support but it auto paypals. if for some reason it doesn't i have a card for backup


Alright we'll see! I know you can choose paypal as a pledge option, but I've read how the payment automatically gets declined as its being processed. I'll fill you in on it once I have more info :&gt; thanks!