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What was a single image turned into a bit of a sequence with a couple prequel images. Finally got around to finishing it. The story bit gives some context for some past images and has potential to be a catalyst for other more "out there" ideas like these. Here's the sequence and the story below:

Kayla and Jenna both expressed their thanks as the waiter took away the bowls that their appetizers had come in. Classic affair for an American teppanyaki restaurant, a salad with a ginger dressing and a small bowl of mushroom clear soup. This restaurant had long been a place the two roommates frequented, the only difference now being that their larger body sizes meant that their appetites were far more…demanding. Which meant that preparing their order would take more time than it used to.

All this to say, the girls had some time to talk.

“So.” Kayla started, “You said you finally figured out that, uh, ‘collecting in body’ thing, how it works?”

Jenna smirked at the remark, not sure if it was a joke or if Kayla just didn’t remember, “Collective embodiment. And I think I have it figured out at least.”

“Mh, right, that. Go for it.” Kayla motioned for her friend to continue.

“So it’s gotta be that the spell has to do with the collective consciousness of whatever object that the spell is attached to. So-”

“The what now?”
Jenna sighed, “The collective consciousness. What all or a large number of people all think of and associate something with. The first time I tried that spell I understood less of what it described. All I got was something about attaching it to something of significance so I tried it out on that 4-leaf clover. And since, at least in the US, people see those and think of-”
Kayla interrupted, having connected the dots, “People think of little guys in green when they see a clover so it turned you into a 4 inch tall leprechaun?” She chuckled slightly at the revalation.

Jenna rolled her eyes and took a sip of water, “Basically, yeah. Anyway I was able to translate a few more words and I think it has to be attached to an object that has one really common concept attached to it. Tried it again with nothing aimed at it and nothing happened.”

“Oh is that what you were doing in the living room right before this?” Kayla asked.
Before the conversation could continue, the waiter approached with their dinner. The girls used to come here to get some sushi rolls on almost a weekly basis, but with their bigger appetites the only thing on the menu that was decently satisfactory was the-

“One Sushi Sumo Platter.” One waiter laid out a large plate, two stacks tall full of a variety of maki rolls and a variety of nigiri to top that. A meal that would still be too much for a group of 6 was just for the two of them. The waiter then produced a mallet and, part of the novelty of the huge platter, hit the gong hanging on the wall behind the counter.

Almost like it was the gunshot at the start of a race, both girls dropped what they were conversing about and started in on the large meal. In only a few moments they had polished off all the nigiri and started in on the rest of them.

Like a pair possessed the girls pace only quickened as they ate. Jenna passively placed her chopsticks behind her left ear and went at it with just her hands, both of them grabbing multiple pieces at once as they went to town on the meal like they’d been starved for a week. This scene did not go unnoticed by neither patrons nor staff, but not because of the rate they were eating. It was more because, with each piece they swallowed, the more room the two of them were taking in the restaurant. The top of the girls’ heads inched closer and closer to the ceiling. Their muscular bodies thickened even further, by softening, packing layers of fat on top of their existing bulk. Abs vanished under taught, round, fat bellies that caused their shirts to ride up. Oversized, fat asses pancaked and spread out over the chairs they were getting too small for, skirts and pants failing to keep up and exposing the girls’ underwear. Or it would be, had they not been inexplicably replaced with a clothing item made of a far bulkier fabric.

Just as the girls polished off the rest of the plate, their chairs gave out under their continually increasing weight. The slam into the ground shook the building, and the girls out of their food-focused haze and they started to notice the state they were in, looking over their bodies as their clothes gave out seam by seam.

“Huh, guess I still haven’t figured it out. Guess its not the object, but the people that it gets tied to? And maybe it just takes the right idea getting in their head for it to work?”

Kayla was far less invested in the cause and already getting into it, her mind too becoming focused on what they were becoming, she handwaved the notion as her undersized top gave away to her even larger breasts flopping forward onto her growing stomach, “Ahhh who cares. I’ve had my meal, now I got a craving to get some matches in.”

Jenna perked up at the prospect, quickly forgetting her other focus, “Ooh yeah that does sound good!” The chopsticks behind her ear, moved by some unseen force, poked themselves into her hair as it tied itself up into a bun, as did even Kayla’s short style. Jenna fished a bill out of her now-tiny wallet  and left it on the counter as the two of the still-growing women began to leave. The last of their sloths popping off, save for the black Mawashi they were both dressed in now. The two Sumo women crawled their way out the front door, managing to squeeze their giant fat asses out the doors without causing too much damage. The girls made their way through the city in search of a good place to act as a ring, all the while still growing up and out.

Much of the restaurant patrons, and many people on the streets who caught sight of them followed after, strangely compelled to catch the matches.



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