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...and it's a Full Of Baby starring Nova Trunchbull apparently. Given that we have friends who recently had a child, it dawned on me just how little we know about what it takes to raise a human. I decided to present Nova with some apocalyptic scenarios where we might have to rely on titbits of info we've gleaned from TV shows about parenting and she was predictably useless.




Quick someone edit that gif of that lady throwing the cat into the bin with Nova throwing a baby! If I’m reincarnated as a stork in a new life, I’ll make sure not to drop of any babies on your doorstep lol. On a different note, I’m obsessed with the mystery of the trousers on your doorstep? I need more information please!! Where’s the pod about that?

Mark Hall

Totally agreed on the memory thing Lymp. I think it’s unfortunately partly genetic. Whenever I go see my grandma (dads mum) I’m constantly reminded how awful my memory is. We gave her a book to write about her life and I shit you not she remembered the name of her doctor who treated her broken arm at 10 years old…..like…what? She’s 90!!! I can’t remember what I had for dinner last night. My sister takes after her, I take after my mum so I’m screwed 😵‍💫


Finally catching up on FOI! Just wondering if you’d ever looked into the Ammanford Screams, tl;dr man hears screams coming from under basement, believes it’s from the old mines, starts putting posters everywhere… Plot twist, the police say it’s not connected but there’s a load of illegal shit going on in the tunnels underneath. (A YouTube channel called Virtual Carbon covered it in their “disturbing internet habit holes” videos and I think you’d find it interesting to cover on a pod maybe!)


This is a late comment but I would love to see a podcast on Leonarda Cianciulli, think it could make for an interesting podcast!