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Final Destination is an American horror franchise that as of this ep, consists of 5 movies and a lot of hot air. Spanning the naughties (otherwise known as the decade for which taste was completely absent), the premise of each film centres on a barely-fleshed out character having a premonition of a deadly disaster. Having survived the disaster, a group of morons would then try and outwit 'death' who was consistently coming up with increasingly-elaborate methods to have them killed off. There are a few noteworthy titbits to be found in these films so let's unwrap them.

Obv spoilers for all 5 movies.




Really loving these horror movie pods 😄. Omg, even though it was ridiculous I remember being so freaked out by the death in the pool lol. I was stupidly paranoid about that for so long. In terms of horror movies with a lot of sequels, which one’s your favourite?


I’ve worked in a sunbed shop for years and I can’t tell you how many times people come in and bring up Final Destination! I’m far too much of a scaredy cat to watch any horrors/thrillers but I love listening to you talk about them so I can finally know what happens 🤓