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...and it's a bumper weekend of Dutch fun! Join me for this frothy audio adventure, as I try to catch you up on whatever the hell just happened to Nova, Char, Glennda and I on our trip to The Netherlands.




I really appreciate these travelogue reflection episodes. I've spent the past week listening to the audio of the extended Amsterdam vlog on youtube so to hear you echo Char's concerns about the crowd volume surprised me. The one shot in the vlog of the Saturday night masses was enough to strike a chord with my agoraphobia. I'm glad all of you made it out ok. Did you get a sense from locals that it was a larger pride attendance than normal?


Hi Lymp Bizkit! Long(ish) time listener first time commenter. Loved every minute of this vlog and Glen comparing Amsterdam to Newcastle (my home town) was a very big compliment if I do say so myself (even though I’d disagree completely lol) Also Dutch is such a difficult language to learn (coming from someone who studied it at uni - I don’t know why I did as it hasn’t proven useful to me since graduating lol). I remember visiting Bruges in Belgium a few years back and trying to speak Dutch with the locals but them insisting to speak English - that was quite annoying as a language student who simply wanted to learn!!!


I’m sat out in the sun in the back garden listening to this, while I’m reading the latest Avon catalogue. Many blessings my dears!