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Look, I was hardly not going to do a pod about this. The world has collectively over the past week been following the story of the missing submersible Titan as it lost contact with it's mothership above the wreck of the Titanic. You don't need me to tell you that I'm obsessed with all things Titanic so clearly this was a story I was going to dip into, even if the media should've also put the same energy into covering the migrant boat disaster off the coast of Messenia.




Oh boy am I glad you did this one. I’ve been so invested in this (including the going-straight-to-hell memes about it) and this is just the icing on the cake. Thank you Lymp. You crushed it.


Yesss! Olympia coming through with the goods!


This is honest to god, all of my biggest fears. Suffocating, being in the dark, alone, not being able to escape. I cannot imagine how these people felt, and I feel a bit sick seeing all of the hate they are receiving. There was a quote I want tattooed and it’s “The Rich, the poor, the haughty die; and all in dust, without distinction lie.” A very bleak but honest approach to death. Yes these people were unfathomably rich beyond all of our wildest dreams, but they still met an end, and in probably the worst way possible and I feel really badly for them. Protest the rich when they can do something about it. Sorry for my sad rant. On a lighter note I got a new kitten and I’ve named her Himalaya 🥹.


Only just starting this but my word I hope you comment on the absolute bizarreness of the Blink 182 step son, I can’t believe he’s a real person and not a parody


if its any consolation, the implosion was most likely surprised and instantaneous. They think it blew up the minute they lost contact so they probably would never have noticed before ended.


I was hoping you would do a pod on this and appreciate you acknowledging the migrant boat which is just heartbreaking 💔. It’s baffling to me how they were allowed to go down there in the first place safety wise. The thought of being so far down in the ocean bolted into a really confined space you couldn’t pay me to do that let alone me paying for it. Also the waiver mentioning death three times on page one is a massive red flag in itself 🥴I hope people can realise now that the titanic isn’t a tourist destination and is actually a very dangerous area that should be left alone x


Ooh yes ! I was hoping youd cover this. Fantastic pod ! Was a bloody good little listen. It was such a bizarre event to have witnessed, and the more that comes out about the submarine it really was a "How did you ever think this wouldnt happen". The countdown I agree I didn't like, it was almost this morbid cabaret of "ooooh how long do they have left now"and it went from something that was amusing to something that became quiet gleefully cruel. I feel bad for the younger guy on board, but the others not so much, as at this point its like putting a loaded gun to your head, pulling the trigger and expecting not to die.


I imagine all the passenger ghosts from the Titanic rolling their eyes every time they see a vessel coasting by. Stop disrupting graveyards and go solve world hunger!


FUCK RIGHT OFF! It’s bad enough going down thousands of feet into the pure darkness of deep water, but being bolted into that tin can with no possible way to get yourself out? Not for all the money those men had, combined! I would also like to say that I would love a detailed making a murderer pod. PATRICIA!!!


The guy from Oceanliner Designs is called Mike Brady


Completely off topic but i saw the other day that your girl Heather Donahue has changed her name? Did you know about this? Great pod as always Lymp, trust you to have the heart to talk sympathetically about both sides. I agree with iAnthony about the video of the CEO boasting about cutting corners and not following the rules is truly enraging. I feel like people who are condemning people for making fun of of the billionaires demise forget that they were also essentially visiting a mass grave/a site where 100's of people perished, so I don't necessarily feel bad about them going. Also if it makes anyone feel better, from what I read when the sub imploded, it happened within milliseconds, meaning they were dead before they even realised what happened.




This is off-topic but I’m so impressed with your impersonation videos. You are basically a 1-woman production: you write the jokes, you study the mannerisms, do the makeup (which is so different each time), you order the props, plan the filming, perform the character while taking care of cameras and microphones and then on top of it all you edit and produce the video. You get help from Nova but it must be so much work; I’m amazed ❤️


…I’ve been derailed from listening to the rest of the pod by going down a rabbit hole reading what the fuck a ‘tv license’ is. I’m Australian and consume a lot of UK media and products, yet never heard of this concept in my life. You have to pay annually to watch terrestrial tv?! (and apparently quite a few other places globally)… what do poor people do? how do they enforce it? if you hear police sirens do you quickly turn the tv off and draw the curtains? I’m scone-faced!


I was sure that all the scientific research about the Titanic had been completed, it’s 3D mapped, we know how it’s degrading, we have artefacts from the actual site we can also use for research, so why are people allowed down there still? Tourism to gravesites and disaster sites is fairly common, but such a dangerous trip without being completely and utterly tested and regulated is baffling to me. It’s just money isn’t it, money let’s you do whatever you want against the greater good and with no sensibility. The coverage difference reminds me of the old saying that one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic. Our brains struggle to comprehend more than a certain small amount of people being real living emotional beings


Tbh the whole thing has got me reinvested in the whole titanic story.. have y’all done a pod on that? {edit:you have, but I can’t find it by searching or looking?} the water at the start killed me Lymp 😂 also I do pray that you both get through the hot sauce challenge unscathed, since filming that kind of heat thing in this heat? Hopefully you both make it through all good! ~ Fia


loved this pod 🤍 think it’s one of those things with the titanic and other tourist attractions that we shouldn’t always go after them. we should give them their resting spot. the twin towers are in the middle of new york, there’s so way of missing it. the titanic is thousands of feet under the water and just too dangerous too charge people without knowing you can keep them safe. to sign a death waiver though, just seems like too much of a red flag to ignore. sad all around really. also lymp, would you ever extend the time you do the podcasts? i only ask because i really start to get into the subject you talk about and it ends too soon, for me anyway! you have such a way of keeping it interesting and fun yet informative. i know it can’t be easy talking to yourself into a microphone but i’d love longer pods! all my love, also still in love with blanka solo solo 🤍🫳🏽✋🏽🫳🏽


Episode 7, it's up on Spotify as it's an early one.


I love the ocean. It's so rich yet empty, but it's also so alien and mysterious. So stories of people trying to traverse, navigate, or use the ocean become so fascinating. So any ocean or marine topics would be greatly appreciated on the pod. So not a direct feedback to OceanGate, but yes to ocean things and in general nature. I love stories and instances of nature saying "i dont give a fuck about people", so cutthroat.


The only correct opening song to this pod. God I love all your content!