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Birds of a Feather is a critically-acclaimed British sitcom that originally ran from 1989 to 1998 - beloved by millions despite ostensibly being a show about a woman rolling around her kitchen moaning about gas prices. I loved this show as a kid and I still watch it today, so let's enjoy an evening of light, frothy pod.




Omg I enjoy that episode 🥰🥰 I remember my family telling about birds of a feather but never watched it but I have seen vicker of Dibly tho soz I can’t spell 😂😂


What's your favourite flavour calippo to shove up your cunny wunny on a hot day xx


Can't say I hear the old timey homophobic insults up here in Scotland anymore either. Saw Lesley Joseph on the Great British Sewing Bee a couple years ago with The Vivienne and Sally Phillips ("I can't talk, I'm in a race!) She was delightful and kept going on about how much she loves Panto. As per Pauline/Linda being berks, feels like the list of people that were famous 30+ years ago that arent colossal dickheads nowadays is vanishingly small, would've been nice if more of them didn't turn out to be hateful and more often than not queerphobic to varying extents.


It’s funny because a lot of the British humor I’ve had to really learn to “get”. And it’s very “hateful” or in British terms ‘Banter-y’ which I love insult comedy! when I was very young I was exposed to The BBC network here in The US, but it wasn’t until like 24 until I really started paying attention to very British tv, like are you being served, ab fab, little Britain, the graham norton show, and even Spaced. So I’ve only recently fell in love with British tv and I haven’t watched birds of a feather but I bet I can find it on BritBox. Can’t wait to see it! PS. Can you please explain to me what the HELL a tv license is? Someone vaguely explained but idk what the fuck it is😭 love you doll💜💚


Being from Australia we had very similar experiences with tv as British humour and Australian humour closely align. This being said for the life of me I’m unable to find the tv show where in once scene a man and his mother are at a funeral and the mother is holding a bag of oranges and drops them into the grave all over the casket. By any chance do you know what this is? I remember it being painfully British but I can’t find it.


I’d be interested in a pod of making a murderer! It was a massive thing when it came out yes, but feel like it’s been long enough that I can’t remember all the details. Plus it would be interesting to hear your take on it! X


Linda Robson is just one of those actresses who just plays herself as Tracy imo. I actually once saw her in a GAP in North London buying clothes for her son. It was just like seeing Tracy in the flesh being all dopey and mouthy and moany at her son. Was quite funny. Have to say I don't really like her since she was on Loose Women once defending how she voted for Boris Johnson and doesn't regret it after all the shit he sprayed over this country. Her defence was, I just like him and I didn't mind that he was an awful person. Pretty much represents a big portion of the f*cked up mindset of the British public... sad face... what a dumb bitch...


I’ve never watched birds of a feather but when I was younger I do remember often seeing the vicar of dibley and only fools and horses on tv when my parents would watch them. Totally agree about loose women hateful programme x


God this takes me back, I haven’t watched Birds of a feather since I was a kid. I think you must be around the same age as me because I grew up watching a lot of the same stuff. Like you said, there were only a few channels on TV (and channel 5 was shit) so a lot of the time you just kind of watched whatever was on (god I hated Bullseye and Match of the Day but my Dad would always watch it and there was only one telly). I remember really liking ‘Allo ‘Allo, The Vicar of Dibley, 2 point 4 children and Keeping up Appearances though. Do you think you’d ever do a pod or a vid on yours and Nova’s favourite shows growing up? I think Roly and Luxeria did one a while back on Gag of the Millennial of their favourite video games as kids and their favourite shows and it was such a fun nostalgia trip 😊.


Hey y’all! I have been working too much so now I’m playing catch-up. My dork senses started tingling when you mentioned the name of the eatery you and your friends went to the slug and the lettuce. I don’t know if this has anything to do with that, but here’s a little bit of medical history! There was an article back in London , the summer of 1859 where surgeon Dr. David Dickman had been called to the home of a 12-year-old girl, Sarah Ann, who had reported bringing up Multiple slugs from her stomach. She was reported to have been in the garden eating lettuce before the event started. While the doctor never saw anything for himself, conveniently, he treated her with things like powdered opiates, camphor, and ammonia, thinking it would kill the slug to get the car uses back into her stomach to properly digest. There is a link to the story https://ke.opera.news/ke/en/health/amp/00fc0d1251acde66ba876cea2c641d41 Hopefully you can access this. The story is also in a great medical history book called the mystery of the exploding teeth edited by Thomas Morris. I just wanted to give you that little bit of gross medical ephemera since I’m just that kind of nerd lol. Once you read the story, you’ll see why I hope the restaurant chain was not named after that! Thank y’all for all you do! All of these videos and Podcasts have gotten me through more hours than anyone human should ever work in their entire life in the past four weeks! ❤️❤️

Joe Crabtree

Ok Olympia hear me out… you have never done a pod about Avril Lavigne. I know you’ll say it’s a bit on the nose but I can honestly say that my favourite episodes are ones in which you talk about things that played an important role in your early life such as school, the sims, hobo hotel etc! I would love to hear about how important she was to you while growing up and hear you go in-depth about her old albums vs her newest album. even if your opinion on her has changed over time, would be nice to know why she’s your number 1 bitch! Great pod as always much love, Joe.


Great pod as always Lymp you dirty cow! Whenever you shout PATRICIA it makes me cackle every damn time. It does seem that birds of a feather was UK niche, the only Britishy sitcoms we had were things like keeping up with appearances and the vicar of Dibley. I however watched The Young Ones religiously as my dad had recorded it onto a VHS from when he was in the UK 😂


Hello darling, this comment is not related to the current pod, but instead I thought it was about high time I commented on one of these fabulous productions and gave you the thanks I feel you deserve. I do very much appreciate the countless hours of entertainment you have provided myself with over the time I’ve been a patron with this lovely pod and all the other thrilling content on the Patreon. I can’t help but listen to episodes of this podcast over and over again, especially when doing anything from begrudgingly cleaning the house, to going for a gorgeous night drive to get a filthy burger. I basically just came in here to blow smoke up your asses and say I bloody love and appreciate the effort you girls put in to this, and I hope you take that monthly pledge of mine and get yourselves something real nice and fancy like a dominos 😂🖤

Sabrina Spunkman

Very excited for the Taskmaster video. Also, would kill to see you as Alex Polizzi go in and try help Char and Glenda with the G-Spot. No doubt you'd be persecuted by stray pubes, negative TripAdvisor reviews and the lack of a AA star-rating. ♥️


sorry had to get this but pods are a total day thing for me if i can’t be arsed to turn the TV on (but they’re a night thing when i wake up at 3am for a piss then i fall back to sleep to your dulcet tones), there have been many times you’ve accompanied me on a drive or tidying up, etc. sending love your way :)


Entertaining pod as always presh. Just curious to your thoughts on other icons/ sitcoms such as Catherine tate and miranda Hart. 2 of my personal faves.x


Channel 5 was SHITE (and I always remember it had really bad signal, so not only was it's content crap but it was fuzzy and grey...maybe that was just our TV)! I remember the Spice Girls were part of the reveal for it (they had multi coloured outfits and a special song "Power of 5"), which got me very excited...and then was quickly let down 😂


Please do a pod on the OceanGate Titan! I literally can't comprehend how this even got to this point! Billionaires just think they're invincible... p.s. Ocean Gate just reminds me of Heaven's Gate


Love birds of a feather 💜💜💜


Do keeping up appearences, george and Mildred...i could go on🤣😅🤣😅....


Nice one, as usual, Lympi. If you think your earrings are annoying your skin, the least reactive metals for piercings are 14-18K gold (24K is too soft), niobium, platinum & titanium: surgical stainless steel is an option, but it contains traces of nickel, which is a common irritant. You said you worked at Clarke's in 2016-2017, but TWTLC #1 (featuring Tales from the Shoe Shop) says it was recorded in September 2014: what happened to those two years?! Birds of a Feather was a regular fixture in my youth in Australia, partly because we also had just five TV channels (& no internet (Hi, old!)): I think I liked the show, but it may've just been the best of a bad lot. Brits' love of complaining is so famous around here that "whingeing Poms" is a common phrase. Also common, "poof/ter", competing with the fairly recent rise of "fag/got", due to U.S.-influence. Ta, doll x


Great podcast as per bloody usual! This, Mrs Bouquet and anything Dawn French were my childhood go to’s! Dorian was always my favourite but I was also scared of her for some reason.. I met someone like her at a wedding when I was about four and remember thinking her nails were too pointy for her not to be a danger to us all 😂 have you seen the Lily Savage skit where she is auditioning for the role of Sharon?


Such a good podcast! I grew up in Ireland and this never really made it's way to me - even if were only a small pond away. I did however become a fan a few years ago, after coming across 'Dorien's Diary: My Intimate Confessions' in a second handbook shop - she is such a catty bitch... and I adore her for it!


completely unrelated, are you a fan of nymphowars the podcast?