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MERRY CHRISTMAS, PUFFINS! 🎄 This week for the Christmas pod of 2022, I thought I'd keep it full casual tit. We don't want to be discussing missing people or true crime with our figgy pudding by the fire, so why not grab a festive bev and settle in for a casual cosy chat. Also what the HELL is figgy pudding.



So, Olympia loves the Chanel No. 5 ad? Folks, I think she might be gay 🤭


Merry xmas to you both. It's my 20th today so I'll drink for everyone who cant. Merry Christmas peeps


not you jumping in terror at nova's 'bathroom situation' in the middle of the pod and i did truly have a moment of 'oh god, she's bloody died' as if i was listening to a live radio broadcast


Ah this was perfect timing as I wrap gifts. Hope you lovely tarts both have a bloody good Christmas ! 2022 was a year that was very ying Yang, full of favs and shitters, but joining the patron and becoming a member of the midnight society was definitely a highlight ! Can’t wait to see what 2023 brings but I’m looking forward to all the content that’s coming in the future !


Its so funny someone in the comments mentioned Sophie Toscan du Plantiet, I just listened to a podcast about her. DNA tests on material found under her fingernails have just proven to not belong to the person people have long believed was the killer. Id be very interested in your opinion if you ever found the time to really look into it. As for Christmas, I have mixed feelings. I used to be annoyingly chipper about Christmas, it was an all month long deal. I'm talking Santa hats to work and plans for the whole of Christmas week but, over the years, three boyfriends dumped me on christmas eve and various family members became estranged so... You can imagine the season can be complicated for me. Me and Sean have started our own traditions though, and I slowly starting to regain the warm and fuzzies. Thank you for all the entertainment this year, you've really made some difficult times much more bearable, and its meant the world to me to have a weird little place on the internet, where I can ramble on, and distract myself with your audiovisual treats. Happy New Year!


Subtle flex to tell us you don’t have any haemorrhoid cream in the house for your under eye bags


I LOVE a podcast about just what you've been up to. You could talk about looking for keys (which is basically what you did) and I immensely enjoy it <3


I adored this ep. for multiple reasons but it warmed my permafrost heart with the misanthropic ethnography of Christmas shopping in a climate I can’t understand. I’m dissociating with family in Honolulu where consumer activity orbits the gravity well of Ala Moana Center, apparently the largest outdoor mall in the world (if Bluewater in Kent is 155,000 sq m, it’s 210,000). Allegedly the Mall of America in Minnesota is the largest in the US but I lived in Minneapolis for grad school and that doesn’t come through in the structure. Wikipedia doesn’t convey the layout of these built environments but in my experience of traversing a commercial space that might be the length of two Emirates Stadium, it’s not possible to casually wander because it’s 33 degrees Celsius for 11 months. And the locals here love Christmas. On 12/21 the regional equivalent of Superdrug in my neighborhood was playing the same Christmas mix while staff in sweaty Santa hats are laying out software coding games for kids. For reasons similar to my fascination with UK vacation patterns (Florida, Croatia, Spain) and your Cyprus episode, I see a lot of winter tourist destinations in the tropics have a perverse approach to Christmas in the northern hemisphere (because that’s where all the tourists are coming from as it’s the high season for travel).


Doubling up on what Gerben said; I love a pod where you just talk about your lives, my faves are Cyprus, Disneyland Paris, My Relationships, etc, so I'm happily adding this pod to my faves list. Unfortunately this year I spent all of Christmas Eve in hospital and all of Christmas Day in bed because of a rough case of suspected tonsilitis. I went to the hospital and they didn't have any definite answers; they just gave me antibiotics. But, a few days later, I'm definitely on the mend. I'm forever grateful for these podcast episodes, I love listening to them on my journey to work or to my dad's. Can't wait to see you at Dragcon! Much love to you and Ar Nover xo

Mark Hall

Back at the start of the year I commented on the pod saying my dad was recovering from surgery and me and my mum Jackie had been looking after him (Jackie ‘elp me!) Well we’re now finishing the year with my mum having surgery tomorrow! Talk about an Anus Horribilis. Anyway we’ve had to be extra careful not to catch anything before she’s goes and been doing all out shops late at night and I agree with you, christ it’s great. Just wanna grab a trolley and supermarket sweep my way round the store. RIP Dale Winton Anyway thanks for keeping us going through another year, all the best for yourself and Nerva in 2023 x

Mark Hall

Also apologies for being a cheeky git but it’s my dads 60th birthday on New Year’s Eve, so shoutout to him x


I think you meant "Annus" (what you wrote means "Talk about a Horrible Old Man"). 🤓


I second Bedknobs and Broomsticks for a pod topic! It was my favourite film as a child, although having watched it recently as an adult, I did have a darker take on it...


Many classmates from primary school lived in Chipstead and I think my mum went to the White Hart for a mothers’ lunch… What do I win? Happy New Year Olympia (and Nova)… I’m ready to start my Arsehole!