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At about 11pm on May 31st 2019, Belgian backpacker Théo Hayez was asked to leave the Cheeky Monkey's bar in Byron Bay, Australia and was never seen again. Théo's phone was tracked taking an odd route away from the bar and the direction of his hostel toward a beach for entirely unknown reasons. Questions arose when it was learned that not only did he wander through incredibly difficult terrain but that he paused along the route several times, again for completely unknown reasons.

60 Minutes Australia: 


Google Maps route from the bar to the hostel: 




Cupid Stunt

I'm normally listen to FOI as i do my Sunday morning housework (part of the midnight society, but based in Sydney), but today im on a road trip with my 60 yo mum, so I've taken over the car bluetooth. This case had me in a chokehold. "Under Investigation with Liz Hayes" (aussie true crime show) had a REALLY good episode on this! Definitely recommend tracking it down to anybody interested in knowing more!


This is completely unrelated to the pod, but I’m worried about the bills going up atm, just because I did recently end a relationship and I’m the one who has to move? I’m trying to save as much as I can but I wanna go as soon as possibleee stilll x this is a mad pod btw, so disturbing! {I’ve watched your Lisa Scott Lee parody so many times I’ve fallen in love with her music 😂 Electric gives me such a serotonin boost 🥰}


Hi Lymp, just wanted to say you bring me so much comfort and laughter, I adore the both of you, and have even got my mother into the chanelle. She loves Char for some reason! A bit vague but would you ever do a pod about finding what the point of one's life is, as in careers and how to find what makes you happy? I'm 19 and dropped out of A-Levels because I totally lacked motivated due to their being no purpose to them. Not knowing what it is I should do with my time and my energy is absolutely my biggest worry, since you always act as my comfort blanket I'd love to hear a bit of advice, even if it's just your dulcet tones telling me to not think too much about that shit! Even though you hate Christmas I hope you and Nova enjoy it in your own way. Xxx

Mark Hall

My favourite Full of It bingo category is when you do a spooky pod and suddenly say “what’s that outside?” or “what’s that noise?” and all of us clench our arses thinking we’re gonna hear some shit go down. Anywho I had a similar experience (minus the going missing) a few years ago when I visited Spain and walked back alone to my hotel along the coastline intoxicated af. I’m pretty sure someone had drugged me and I blacked out on the way. God knows how I didn’t fall into the bloody ocean. Woke up the next day in the hotel by my roommate with SHET everywhere. Not my proudest moment but we still laugh about it now in a, “holy crap you almost died what else can you do but laugh”, type way. Stay safe everyone x


On the topic of wigs, what ever happened to that gorgeous blue wig from the Legendary Creature video? All the other wigs from that have popped up again, but that one never has. I thought the color was so fun, it's kinda sad it hasn't gotten another moment on the Chanel.


Another fab pod, thanks Lympi. A couple of points: New South Wales' strict liquor licensing laws could explain Theo Hayez's expulsion from the nightclub: the club faced a fine of about AU$10,000 if an intoxicated person was not removed. He may have appeared only slightly affected (by alcohol or something else) but have been deemed too 'drunk' to stay, or to be admitted to another licensed venue. Also, the film about the disappearance of Azaria Chamberlain is "Evil Angels". She was only 9.5 weeks old when she was killed by the dingo near Uluru (or Ayers Rock, as it was known at the time). Love your work, doll!


Oh yes Olympia singing Confide in Me is the Monday morning wake up all that I needed.


I have family in Byron Bay. When the case first broke it was almost universally agreed around there that his drink had been spiked. I personally don't see why it couldn't have just been voluntary drug experimentation. The pauses and doubling-back doesn't ring alarm bells for me either. I get both very confused and bad at directions, and very contemplative when under the influence. I don't believe he fell - the podcast The Lighthouse explains this better, but for his body to end up in the ocean he mostly likely decided in his impaired state to go for a wee night swim and was carried off by the currents. We have a crazy high amount of tourist drownings in Australia every summer, it's tragic.


I kept thinking if Nova was on this pod she would have been saying DRUGS the entire way through After trying to think in his shoes, I think that, yes, it seems most likely that he was going to a party somewhere else, knew roughly where that was, was aware of or had travelled that route previously, and there was an obstacle there which he hurt himself on and that was a victim to nature. There are a tonne of things that are not life threatening sober in daylight but are death traps when you're drunk/high and it's dark. And being 18, where you have little to no awareness of your own safety, I can absolutely imagine myself doing something like that at that age. I don't think he really knew anybody well enough to be the victim of some attack - and murder is a big step up from jumping someone or beating them up. So, sadly, I don't think we will get answers about it. A bit weird but sometimes I wonder, after we die and say there is an afterlife, if we can find out all the secrets and mysteries of the world. That always fascinates me, the possibility of knowing what happened in all these mysterious events


I'm really appreciating the return to spooky pods, they make wonderful listening as I do my meal prep on a Sunday morning! The idea of letting an 18 year old saunter off to another continent fills me with dread, even if there are relatives waiting for them there- one of my younger siblings is 18 and he's just a very tall child. While I doubt there was any foul play, it really is a tragic reminder that life isn't guaranteed and misfortune can strike at any moment.


this is the first pod i’m listening to in my new home!! never realised how stressful moving is but it’s pretty much done now! great pod as always doll 🫶🏻


When I heard it was about backpackers in Australia, my first thought this was going to be about the backpacker murders by Ivan Milat (which if you haven't heard of, are the inspiration for the Wolf Creek horror films) They're a potential pod topic, but ~rough