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Family Guy is an American animated sitcom which to most of us viewing it as teenagers was basically just The Simpsons but naughtier. After we lost Bart we cancelled our plans and binged this show alongside its sister show American Dad! and it occupies an intriguing thought in my mind about how your sense of humour might change over time.




I prefer American Dad to Family Guy, though I will admit I prefer Bob’s Burgers over all the animated sitcoms. But concerning American Dad vs. Family Guy, I think the character dynamics are more versatile in American Dad. A Chris and Meg story wouldn’t be as funny as a Steve and Haley story, vice versa for the other combinations, save for maybe Stewie and Brian. I think my preference has grown toward American Dad because I like watching how the dynamics play out and develop in American Dad meanwhile Family Guy is more focused on the cutaways to which character dynamics are an afterthought, and even when they take the spotlight it’s a negative development. Both shows tend to play in gross out humor, violence and gore a bit but the American Dad characters just appeal to me a more.


Have you ever considered a cheeky pod on futurama? A show also along these lines but way better then the mess of the show which is family guy.


hi darling, thank you both for taking the time off after losing your handsome furry friend, he’ll be sadly missed by all of the puffins. I grew up with the likes of futurama, the simpsons, family guy, south park, american dad as I was growing up alongside brothers so the stupid humour, dark humour, and childish jokes I was so used to around the house. I was wondering did you watch Disenchantment? co-created by Matt Groening i’ve watched some of it I didn’t find it as enjoyable as the likes of the simpsons or futurama talking of futurama see the amount of gay jokes I have heard in my house because of the character “bender.” Could have murdered my brother. thank you for a lovely pod as usual darling, been a while since i’ve commented love you both


Hiya Lymp, first time commenter, long time listener; I was so excited seeing the topic of this pod because, like you and Nover, it’s my favourite show to zone out to. Although my boyfriend judged me for having seasons 1-15 on DVD initially, I’ve converted him to somewhat liking it too. About humour changing, I’m convinced my humour hasn’t changed a bit since I was a child other than offensive jokes being dumped after my early teenage years. I still love stupid movies like Scary Movie, White Chicks, etc but they can be quite difficult to watch as casual transphobia was rife in the 2000’s. I usually just laugh them off but how do you deal with poorly aged jokes? I know there’s plenty of Family Guy, especially with Quagmire’s “dad” Ida. PS: thank you for filming the pod while you and Nover are still grieving, this is my favourite pod to listen to while driving and is a massive comforter for me so I really appreciate you 💞


I love there's a pod on Family Guy, and it's one of the few episodes without "something about cheap flights to Cancun" 😅😅😅


Am just gunny be an arsehole and choose something you didn't even talk about, mostly because I think theyre both not great. I think Futurama is the best adult cartoon, it feels so much more clever and inspired than the rest. Just a shame it got cack then cancelled.


You said you prefer Family Guy but proceeded to say that you preferred most of the American Dad characters 😂 I personally prefer American Dad, you will never get a better character than Roger. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an episode of the Cleveland show. Like you said, they are something I loved when I was younger but would now just throw on in the background. We do still quote from them very regularly, only yesterday I used “it doesn’t show dirt” a Stewie reference from one of the very early seasons


I still get a laugh or two from Family Guy, but I much prefer American Dad. The show took some time to find its own footing, and the characters are much more consistent. In the US, after the show the was cancelled on FOX it found a second life on TBS and has far outgrown its role as a Family Guy companion piece and is its own thing. Seth is basically completely removed from the show creatively and really only contributes as a voice actor. Nowadays I find Family Guy quite cynical, not in an irreverent or edgy way, but in a way that makes it seem like Seth McFarlane is tired of the show. I cannot stand how often jokes are explained to the point they circle back to being anti-humor, frequently being aware of the show's criticisms and going "who cares we're still doing it anyway", And while I'm not trans myself if find the show's treatment of Ida frustrating. Overall my favorite gag as a teen that brought me to tears was when Peter spent entire minutes trying to pick up a frog into a box without touching it and failing.


I prefer family guy over American dad and the Simpsons over Futurama however, Big mouth / Human recourses and family guy are the only two shows l actively watch; I feel that both American dad and Futurama are so boring as bat shit. Seth said that the reason why Stewie has dropped the goal of world domination and trying to kill Lois is that in the more recent seasons, Stewie has become more accepting of his sexuality, that's why Stewie's jokes are now all gay base. The one thing I am glad to see slowly fade away is Meg being a punching bag/butt of the joke and now getting good focus episodes, like when she goes to college, stands up to her family, and gets on the winter Olympic team. There is also a theory about how Seth is madly in love with Alex Bornstein hence why the characters that Seth voices, mainly Brain, Peter and Quagmire, want to have sex with her. Can't wait for the asshole race season 4!


Hello 👋 first of all so sorry to hear about Bart passing. Sending love to you and Nova xx Commenting as you asked how we feel about FG as we've got older. FG first came out when I was in my 20s, a time when there was a trend in comedy to be more and more shocking and pushing what they could get away with. I remember avidly watching it then as it was funny to see the unsaid getting said that way. Like everything that gets old after a while and it got to the point where there were maybe one or two actual laughs per episode. Now I find it a bit of an uncomfortable watch especially with (what feels like the transphobic blood laughs). If if happens to be on I won't switch it off, but it just serves as a bit of background wallpaper these days. Much love 😘


Fab pod as always! So sorry to hear about the passing of little Bart, although when you said he would be chasing the butterfly’s in the sky I thought that was a lovely way to think of it. Not had a chance yet to congratulate you on Hoax. I pooed. I loved family guy when I was in the second half of my teens, although some of it went over my head! I think Seth McFarland making so many jokes around the queer community is possibly accepted because it seems like nobody is safe from been the butt of a joke in the show. Maybe then it feels more like you’re in on it, I’m not sure. I think often the idea is that you’re laughing at the family members having such controversial opinions rather than laughing with them. I have watched a few episodes recently and some of them are more uncomfortable at times, particularly when the punchline is around minorities that I’m not a part of. Hopefully there are people in the writers room who feel like they can be frank if they find something inappropriate.


This is slightly off-topic, but after all the fun you had with Patrique's name last week I was wondering how you approach the new Patreon shoutouts? Have you ever had something unpronounceable, anyone call themselves 'ImaPooQueen'?