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Well we were threatening you with it for some time - last month we finally released a feature-length movie. We're actually stoked with the response because an early test screening we did didn't offer much hope. Either way, we knew there would be questions so settle in with a bev because I'm going to break down the entire start to finish process of making 'HOAX', the most ambitious content we ever shat out.




How odd we’re at the point that people don’t know the found footage genre… but I do think that the similarity in filming style to your vlogs is a strength of the film. It makes you almost forget that is fiction, it's a much more immersive kind of storytelling. You mentioned Dr Colleen Darnell more than once in the pod, any chance of doing an episode on her? She’s quite a controversial figure from the little I know of her. She's heavily criticised for "fetishising colonialism" and "colonialism cosplay" on instagram.


Loved the pod as always! Someone mentioned about getting a directors commentary for the film, which I would definitely be interested in watching. Maybe soon or in a year or two once a few more Novympia productions have been made and the Noyvmpia Cinematic Universe has expanded? Bit of a side note, but both my partner and I thought the wig Glennda was wearing in the Bournemouth pride video was their actual hair. We were shocked when they appeared in the next vid because we thought they’d buzzed all their hair off!


Hi love, long time no comment! I really enjoyed Hoax and even more so with your breakdown of it. When Glenda started repeating what Char says, it really reminded me of a Doctor Who episode where an alien boards a spaceship and repeats back what the Doctor is saying to it, and eventually starts talking at the same time as him, to then saying what the Doctor would say before he actually does. It's a really simple episode - no huge special effects or anything, but I find it super creepy every time I watch it, and got exactly the same feeling watching Hoax! I loved the flashbacks (side flashes? flash-forwards?) of Nova in the garden just staring at the fence and then in the woods - CHILLS, and then you sitting on the sofa picking leaves from your hair (acting was on point!). As the penny dropped to me what was happening, it was really satisfying. I'm going to go back and watch it now after your commentary and see what I can spot that I missed the first time! Bloody well done on your full-length feature! x


Hi Lymp, while reading last week's comments I think there was a question about whether there was a film or TV series where a clown was represented in a positive light. Well, isn't Patch Adams that very film?? Featuring the one and only Robin Williams!! There was also this totally heart-warming Australian kids series in the 90's called Clowin' Around about this cute kid living in a foster home who just wanted to be a clown and it follows his journey to fulfilling his dream. It's so gorgeous. And finally, maybe I missed it, but was there any reference to the fact that Drag can be a form of clowning?? Bianca Del Rio calls herself a drag clown and Ivvyyyy Winterzzzz used to be a clown. And then, did you ever think that you, with your satiristic comedy, goofing about vids and eccentric costumes might in fact be... A CLOWN??????


Hello, you utter sexpot! Thank you for sharing your glorious sci-fi horror opus with us. I shat myself. I'm a new cultist and am currently working through the podcast archive. What a treat for the enquiring mind! The recent announcement about a new Silent Hill movie has me wondering if you have ever investigated the town of Centralia in Pennsylvania (or ghost towns in general) as a potential podcast topic? I've been obsessed with the idea of visiting Centralia since finding out it was the inspiration for the first Silent Hill film. It had to be abandoned after they discovered that the coal seam under the town had caught fire and was likely to smoulder away for 250 years. Sinkholes began swallowing small children and all sorts! Most residents left years ago but there are a few holdouts living in the few buildings that remain. Creepy and fascinating. Would love to hear your thoughts as I imagine it's right up your alley. But then again, what isn't?


I have another question - were the apples really about the fibre?!


I love the effort you all put in and harnessing the spirit of the season! I love things that play with time and I caught that right off the bat. I have to go rewatch and look for all the doppelgangers. I really thought Hoax was great and I can't wait for next spooky season. 💚

Kim N

Loved the movie, especially thought the pacing was good. Most unsettling part for me when you were saying "I don't want to do that", you could tell you were at war with yourself or....something... Curious if you will be selling the movie poster?


Hey cherub... I actually really enjoyed Hoax. I went in thinking I would politely like it and maybe laugh but I found it easy to watch and interesting. We also managed to get a moment that may be nominated for an award ... "Guys..... GUYS..... RIVVERRRR"... I also had a slight cack attack when you got air lifted. I think you cast each other quite well with Nova getting killed off early and Charmaine being the final girl... The tension of not knowing if Char was going to get abducted or die from having to do exercise was thrilling. I hadn't noticed the shift in wardrobe which is interesting and will have to watch again to see these things... Also, is that really Chars place or did you find an abandoned meth lab on the outskirts of Bournemouth? I'm looking forward to next years feature length movie.... I think the theme should be a Zombie virus that spreads through the UK after Char buys a knock off packet of fags and you and Nova escape to an Island... Only to discover... You have no wifi... Huge well done to you all for managing to keep us all entertained for so long and can't wait to see more content.


I just can’t tell you how highly I think of this project! I’ve recommended it to all of my partners. Glad you’re giving opportunities to unknown local queens like Char. She’s on Candid Camera now! Here’s something I’ve wondered while watching the behind the scenes. The deer you caught footage of was of interest to me. In film school we were always taught to assume that ANYTHING you see in the film is intentional. Which to me was always a crock of shit. However it did make me think, did you see this deer and think that’s a bit of real wildlife to put in the film, or did you start to think that you can incorporate the deer into the story? Glad to know those years of film school didn’t go to waste as they were building me up to this very moment of theorizing about this film. CONGRATULATIONS on the great response the film has been getting, well deserved.


I just wanted to commend you for making such a wonderful film. It takes so much gumption and valor to follow through with an artistic project so daunting, let alone putting it out there for others to view and judge. It’s very inspirational, good on ya lymp! 🥳🥳


Here is a pod suggestion I've literally just watched this and I think its fascinating 💜💜 https://youtu.be/KheUErGCFJA


Another suggestion: Dignity Colony (Colonia Dignidad)? If that's too dense and bleak then maybe an episode about Pete Burns? :)