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Joan Rivers was an American comedian and actress and I might add, one of the finest. There comes once in every few generations a person with such fast, razor-sharp wit and comedic timing that when you discover them you can only be in awe of how they work. Nova and I were able to snag tickets to see her in 2014 and I was beyond giddy until cruelly, the chance was taken away as she died following a botched surgery in a piece of shit New York clinic.

I recorded this on the hottest day of the year so far so we have to forgive the fan.



Lorna Hale

I’m finally caught up on the pod, work has been so crazy busy that during my off time I’m doing nothing. Nothing! I wanted to let you know that in Anchorage, Alaska the two big malls are always popping on the weekends. And I’m guessing during the weekdays teenagers go hang out there, at least my niece is with her friends. You’re recording on the hottest day yet, and I’m listening on the rainiest day yet. I got myself stuck in construction traffic and it was nice listening to a friend. They way you speak about your childhood makes me feel old, but not in a bad way, but in a way that reminds me of my teenage years. Love you 🥰🥰🥰


Your words and feelings of the Queen Joan Rivers are exactly how I feel. I say to my friends that I still miss her. No one will ever replace or hold a candle to who she was.


I remember the first time I watched Joan Rivers on TV- it was Graham Norton, circa 2010, I believe. I remember seeing this fabulous, older woman who was literally just going at computer speeds, flying through joke after joke after joke, and contrary to the view we all sort of have about “older people” she was so sharp, spry and so physically able despite already being nigh on 80 at this point. I remember from then on sitting watching her old appearances on Live At The Apollo when they’d be on and then was able to tune into both Fashion Police when they’d air a week later on 4Music (oh my god, remember 4Music???), and then seeing her “In Bed With Joan” series on YouTube. It wasn’t that long ago (maybe 2 years ago?) that I fell down the YouTube wormhole and watched about 7 “Joan Rivers Best Moments” compilations, watching TV Docs and her own documentary. I totally agree with you and feel the same sentiment that she was still well and truly in her prime, at least in terms of comedy she was sharper than ever, and physically had absolutely no signs of slowing down. Watching stuff she did on the Johnny Carson show in the 70s and 80s she was like fucking *lightning*, and Carson so often just couldn’t even begin to keep up with her. Then eventually becoming permanent Co-host when he was away. Of course then she left and it all went to shit, but I get her saying she *knew* she’d never get the role of host, so why bother staying there playing his second fiddle. Her personal story is so heartbreakingly sad, and she really is a testament of sadness + time = comedy. She was truly a pioneer and was still doing that until the day she died. She definitely had more to give and it’s so so sad she didn’t get to do so. I really, sorely miss her and could’ve really used her in the past 5 or so years to get through a lot of this shite.


I was so excited when you mentioned possibly doing Joan Rivers the other week, and even more delighted when I saw that it was out this morning! I remember seeing her "live at the Apollo" show when I was in my early teens and thought she was hilarious. I don't know if it's a gay thing, but I always thought female comedians were so much funnier and Joan was definitely at the top of the list. Also, you mentioned you thought maybe Sarah Silverman was on "In Bed with Joan" and I was hoping you would bring up the really awkward ending of their episode because I could never tell if it was real or not. I couldn't find the clip or I'd attach it, but she basically told Sarah to go fuck herself and kicked her out of her house. It was wild. Thanks for another gorgeous pod as always! I cant wait to see what the next one is about!


I saw Joan at the Royal Opera House and she was absolutely incredible. I’d loved her ever since I saw her on Graham Norton in the Channel 4 days. The only person I can think makes Graham laugh that much is Miriam Margoyles. I remember the first time I got the impression Ellen was a possibly nasty person was when Kathy Griffin said Ellen never paid Joan any respect.


great pod as always! don’t know if you remember but a few episodes i mentioned my best friend abbie and how she loves the pod well when this episode came out we was on the phone with each other and she tells me “ can we listen to the girls together please” so now we are sat in the garden with an adult beverage listening to the pod! thank for everything dolls!


i love joan so much, there’s a show in amazon called Hacks and it’s by the same people who made Veneno, and the main character Deborah is based on Joan. Obviously the humour isn’t quite as shocking but she definitely does have the essence of Joan. I would def recommend you give it a watch


Great pod as always from our fabulous leader Lymp. I’m listening to this in the garden in the heat with a bottle of wine (13%). I had tickets to her last tour as well and was gutted when we heard the news she had passed. Regarding people who have “ come close to Joan”, many people say Bianca deal Rio is comparable but I don’t see it apart from the offensive humour but I feel that Joan’s humour was less shock value but more like you say intelligent and biting. I’m going to leave this comment here before the drunken wine ramblings begin love you girls and come back to Glasgow soon


Did you ever watch the USA Celebrity Apprentice? I think that was my first time being exposed to who she was. The series that her and Melissa are on is so iconic, and although it might not paint Joan in the best light at times it really is so fantastic to watch. The only real downside is Trump, but on a rewatch I found seeing him bearable since he really isnt in it that much, and is mostly just a sexist asshole who makes stupid decisions at all time anyway. I remember getting so into Kathy Griffin, through Joan Rivers and their friendship, I havent really seen anything she has done for quite a few years now, but those classic Kathy Griffin standups are still such celebrity gossip trash goodness


Hi Lymp, nurse here! Basically Joan had something called laryngospasm which is where the vocal chords seize up in response to either anaesthetic drugs or the surgery itself could have caused it. This would have caused Joan’s oxygen saturations to drop which would have quickly led to what we call a respiratory arrest (I.e. stop breathing) and without treating this would have lead to a cardiac arrest. It sickens me that the medics did not respond to her deteriorating vitals, when it can literally mean the difference between life and death. And sadly here the outcome was death. Joan would have had a lack of oxygen to her brain causing irreversible brain damage and why she never woke up. Sadly I used to look after lots of these patients when I used to work in ITU. All we can hope is that she did not suffer in the end :(


Why on earth would you drink caffeine on a hot day 🥵it accelerates your energy which makes you hotter 😩 I like a nice mint cucumber water or a chilled key lime LaCroix😌 anyway I love Joan rivers so much! I really enjoyed her and was really upset about her death. Her grandson goes to a college in my state which is really random. I live in Ohio by the way which is sort of like a shit hole. So this might be a bit out of the left field, but I would love to see a pod devoted to British drug PSA‘s! The ones in America are HILARIOUS and I can’t imagine British ones being any less funny! Love you doll can’t wait till the next one


Loving to pod as always. Just listening to a comment you’re reading from someone talking about Marvel, and it’s reminded me that I wanted to message you regarding why I think you might dislike/feel odd about l the franchise. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Disney/marvel have created an algorithm to crank out the movies and stream-able series in a way that keeps the viewer hooked and wanting more. Each instalment just feels like promo for the next, you can never really be excited by what you’re watching because it’s just building anticipation for what’s around the corner.