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I found myself using the lavatory earlier and I thought to myself, WTF is a pirate. Like is there any truth to the modern imagining of a pirate - the swashbuckling, eye patch-wearing sailor sam who swigs rum and sings all day. This intrepid podcaster is about to set sail on a journey of discovery.

Jolly Roger: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolly_Roger




I’m loving that you guys call public play spots ‘cottages’, it sounds so charming! Here in the U.S. we call it ‘cruising’ or ‘cruising spots’. I live in Seattle and there is a large park in my neighborhood that is a very well known cruising spot. Every single night you will find multiple men lurking about the trees looking for anonymous play (I once stumbled upon a group of 11 men under one tree!). My first time cruising I went alone into the darkness of the trees feeling like Little Red Riding-hood off to meet some wolves. It’s a very surreal experience especially since it was so damn dark and you could barely see who you were interacting with. It was fun the first few times but walking home one night with a hand covered in dirt and fluids I decided it just wasn’t for me. I have yet to stumble upon such play accidentally but I would assume it would be quite a shock as you said! Pirate-wise might I suggest the show ‘Our Flag Means Death’. It’s a lovely, fun pirate show that turns into a heart-warming gay love story and has been a big hit amongst me and my friends. Great pod, stay wondrous 💋


Hahaha I was reading your initial sentence, agreeing about the euphemistic sound of “cottage,” then laughed out loud because I also live in Seattle and also live close to said park. It’s puzzling to imagine the worldview of the guys who haven’t stopped cruising amidst CHOP and all the news-making violence.


The idea of pirates and using the toilet, must have brought you back to that other toilet you used, in the presence of those certain kind of pirates 😂🕳 I always loved Pirates of the Caribbean and its the only action films that I like. But I finally learned the exact, I wanna say “job” of a pirate. It’s one of those things where you think about but never really get around to actually ask about. a lot of them were openly gay and in incredibly sexual relationships with each other, but what are you supposed to do on a ship all day, bum a swan? 😂 i absolutely adore you! Keep making us laugh and don’t forget to keep yourself laughing! 💜💚


Prewatch right now, downloading to listen on my ride home from work. I did an 8th grade project on modern day pirates because of the same curiosity and enacted it with felt handpuppets. It was kinda fucked, but less so than my felt handpuppet project from 7th grade where I acted out an abortion and preached for stem cell research. My school had a lot of Catholics in it and I was a devout Igtheist. Plus in 7th grade I glued the puppets together and for 8th grade I upgraded to sewing them, making them far more flexible for enacting gruesome scenes. Anyways...yeah can't wait to listen!


"take a slash" actually made me lol. Tacking that into my vernacular hahaha


ALEPSA play the perate of carboon theme song. https://youtu.be/BxSQQXw9wTo Also: “why isn’t there a sign?” ‘Caution: homosexual activities may occur. Please keep your arms and legs in the cubicle at all times”


Gay Pirates Song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt6tByfVUhw


I love pirates I wish I knew more of the stories of pirates they are so facsnating If I'm honest, the only stories I can think of which explores pirates is the likes of pirates of the carrbeain I mean Elizabeth Swann is hot so that's probably why I love to rewatch it (I'm joking around but she is FIT) wish there was more talk about pirates, let's find buried treasure all together! If there is something to watch I'd suggest: my girlfriend recommended me to watch "Our Flag Means Death" it's about pirates in the 1700's which I still need to watch and if I remember correctly turns into a gay lovestory It's on HBO. Amazing pod as always doll <<3


The player says the episode has ended, but I don’t think I heard anything after “you wouldn’t bum a swan” 😶🫠


Ooh fantastic ! Pirates have a really cool history. If you are looking for something funny and gay with pirates Our Flag Means Death is a really great pirate show. Also got to be part of the midnight society tonight ! So happy I could catch this on my nightshift break, made it pass by much quicker !


Yes hello! YESSSS! I have never had an interest in pirates but loved this episode. Great perspectives on questioning whether or not pirates are villains or just simply trying to survive. I know I’m a few episodes late but regarding wentworth, I never moved past season 4 but i started rewatching it. Gosh, I hated season 3 Vera. Doreen was annoying throughout the entire show. I know this would not be practical in terms of business, but I would die if you did a parody. You would be An amazing Joan Ferguson. Nover could be Vera holding on to proof of Ferguson’s crimes and not having a clue. Would be hilarious. Love listening to your pod while I walk my dogs, I appreciate your company 😘


I love a Wikipedia episode! And on the topic of pirates, a friend took her daughter to a ‘pirates and princesses’ birthday party. And the mam of the birthday boy asked if she could make sure her daughter was dressed as a princess after she’d been told by another man that her daughter was planning on going as a pirate! Obviously she basically told the other parent to fuck off and said she wouldn’t bother bringing her daughter. As it happened she did take her because her daughter was so upset at not being allowed to go, but decked her out in impressive pirate attire. The party went well and the daughter had fun but after my friend got a message from the birthday boy’s mam saying she was disgusted by what her daughter was wearing?! Sorry, Vivian, did this seven year olds pirate costume from asda offend you? Like what?!


Loving the pod as per usual. This is a completely random comment, apologies. First, I’ve ordered both of the plushies! They are so cute. Second, an idea for a parody, serial killers at job interviews….. with the job relevant to their crimes…. I think it has so many options and opportunities for jokes and would be hilarious!


Absolutely howling at the idea of you innocently drinking your squash in the morning without realising it will lead to you accidentally going cottaging that same afternoon. On a side note, my friend and I can't stop shouting "I WON'T EAT MY TEA!" and we love you for it. Thanks for the lols