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Wentworth is an Australian prison drama that aired for 8 seasons between 2013 and 2021. A modern remake of the 70s soap opera Prisoner - I was first introduced to this show by our dear Judy, Meg-Anne Robinson, who likes ladies and shows about ladies in prisons. You'll just have to believe me when I tell you that this is legitimately one of the best shows I've ever seen - and it has nothing to do with the fact that it's set in Australia. Might be something to do with my uncanny resemblance of Joan Ferguson.

There's a good 30 minutes dedicated to discussing the comments about Heartstopper from the previous episode which were surprisingly uplifting but I then proceed to dish on Wentworth which contains heavy heavy spoilers.




I’m so glad you mentioned Kate Atkinson in Kath and Kim. This has pushed me to start a Wentworth rewatch. Joan Ferguson has to be one of the greatest television villains ever written. I genuinely think my knees would buckle if I ever met Pamela Rabe in real life. She is so intimidating and can cut you down with just a look. The cast of this show is so stellar and such an excellent showcase of Australian female talent. Especially Katrina Milosevic. Boomer forever 🥰


I started Wentworth after you raved about it a couple of years ago, I was conveniently bed bound after surgery at the time and just binged multiple seasons in about a week. I never really got past season 5 after that big incident and that blonde woman becomes the focus character. I might rewatch though and try to get through it. I also watched a lot of Prisoner Cell Block H and it’s surprisingly great despite being so old fashioned and proper soap opera drama, apparently pushed a lot of boundaries and presented a lot of storylines never spoken of on TV


Great Pod as per always!! LETTUCE! Again, this is as you said another pod regarding something I have seen and possibly will never but it’s always nice to just listen to the stories you have to describe it. It’s just lush. Well, I expect some chat about the Eurovision final in the next POD but WOW, what a night!!! Sooo full of emotion and love!!! Anyway, until next time, cheerie! Love to you all!!


Hi doll! I know this isn’t the point of the podcast but: It’s football season in the great place of Scotland also known as Glasgow and I’m so glad I had this podcast to listen to after last nights adventure as it was the finale of Eurovision which me and my girlfriend were on our way to the drag Eurovision watch party and on my way there when I say it was COVERED in football fans who literally put me on edge the whole time walking there. As soon as we got there and was in a safe space I had the first break down and during that full night I had 3 breakdowns and during the first was almost a full on panic attack. I’m just… just really fed up of being a queer person and just feeling unsafe for just existing with football fans. As much as it really affected me there was no way in hell I’d let it ruin the fun of Eurovision night. I feel like I’d love this show and will give it a watch - It sounds really good. Thanks darling


G'day Vinegar titts, I'm not midnight society unfortunately as I live on the little Australian Island state, Tasmania. I love Wentworth and can't count the times I've rewatched it. The characters are amazing and are so well played that it can make you extremely emotionally passionate about what's happening. So many great quotes. Cried out loud like a dying cat when Liz dies especially by whoms hands. I hated Joan Fegie at the start but by the last season I ended up in a love\hate relationship with her, but she is my fave charecter. Prisoner was an amazing show too. I used to watch it as a kid (I'm 37, old I know) Have them all on DVD. Eurovision was amazing, very proud of how far our Aussie boy Sheldon got. I must mention that your health kick is really working, looking so damn good in the last couple of videos, ya skinny hot betch. I order out very rarely and feel like utter trash afterwards. My worst enemy at the moment is chocolate biscuits. Timtams come at me!


Following up from the last pod: my partner did start the club a few years back and is openly gay. We joked that he is basically the Mr Ajayi of his school. He runs it after school and they do activities from learning about LGBTQ history and mental health but mostly it’s a just a space for the kids to chat and socialise (he also keep tabs of ongoing issues and problems at home etc). They even have a table at the open day with rainbow flags and everything! He often spends his lunch break talking to kids who have made a brave move to come and talk to him. He works with the school pastoral team, speaks to parents and so much more. As you may be able to tell I’m amazingly proud of him and what he does. He has no budget for any of it and does in addition to his overworked, underpaid full time teaching job. Also Wentworth: i have got that and Prison Break mixed up in my head but after googling I realise thats because a guy called Wentworth is in it and it’s about prisons?


As per your recommendation I started Wentworth as soon as this pod was over and I was instantly hooked! I found that even though you discussed spoilers, I was on the edge of my seat waiting for them. Another great pod doll!


I will stand by this point forever. It truly is the hill I will die on: Subway™ Salads are better than their Sandwiches. You get so much more but you just don’t get that sad dry bread. I get ALL the salad, a scoop of some form of meat and a bit o’ sweet chilli or southwest sauce. And if I’m feeling cheeky I’ll get some crispy onions too. Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled programming x


Ok. So I’ve never had to come out but, my oldest came out to me when they were 13. The way it was done is so funny. They knew I didn’t care about things. I had gay roommates in college and friends now who are gay so for them to do this was truely funny. We were waiting for the school bus to come pick him up and talking like we always do and when the bus pulls up he sprints to the bus and yells. Mom I love you and I’m gay. Ok bye! Waving. Lol. I sat there laughing at him being nervous about it when he knew I’d be completely ok with it. It just made me love him more. 🥰


Uuuur haiiih. Subway salads are banging. Please give me all the sweet onion dressing all of the time. On a side note, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for your content. I've been in a very dark place mentally over the last few months, and one slither of life that I can get some joy out of is listening to your pod. You're so witty and warm, it feels like a big hug from one of the funniest women alive. Thank you thank you thank you again 💓💓


I just want to say that when I first became a patron and got access to your delicious podcast I started off listening to all the ones that sounded exceptionally interesting because you already had over a year's worth of content. I soon became even more interested in everything you have to say and now when you talk about something I've never heard of, I get to learn something new and learn your take on it which I assume is the better opinion. Love the pod and everything you talk about! much love , Pelican Boon!


Oz is basically the same thing but a dudes prison. It stars that guy from Law and Order SVU, god he’s a ride 😫, you should give it a go! I’m so sad you didn’t say Lesbians! Like Blanche Devereaux. I am so excited for the plushy‘s, of which I will buy immediately. Am I about to spend almost $60 on stuffed replicas of my two favorite drag queens? You bet your stuffaloon I will! I love you girls and I can’t wait to listen to the next pod🤭