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Lark Rise to Candleford is a British costume drama about a tiny Yorkshire hamlet and its relationship with a nearby middle-class town. It's quite simply the cutest, most twee garbage you'll ever set your eyes on. When this first aired on the BBC in 2008, it didn't impress on me how refreshingly calm it is. It's also fascinating how popular a TV show can be that can base an entire episode around measuring a path.




The first time I heard about this program, it was while watching some kind of Red Nose Day Downton Abbey skit, where someone asks another character, “Weren’t you in Lark Rise to Candleford?” At the time I thought, “The what rises to the what now?” But seeing the name of this podcast episode I immediately realized, “Oh! It’s that thing! It’s a show and not some kind of weird code word!” And it turns out it’s on Britbox here in the US too (more often than not Britbox UK and US have completely different content)! So now I’m 100% going to have to give it a watch. Thank you for giving me something else to binge.


Last week I was working from home, and on my lunch break I went into town to do some errands, and when I got home, I couldn't find my keys in my bag, the pocket I usually put them in was unzipped. PANIC STATIONS. I retraced my steps, back to Poundland, Greggs and Asda where I'd gone. It hadn't been found or handed in. Shitting myself because at this point, I was 20 minutes late from lunch and still in probation (despite my boss being super chill, I still worried). I had to call the school my fiancée teaches at, and ask them to get her to bring her keys to the office for me to pick up. I walked the half hour to the school, picked up the keys, and walked back home. As I got home, I opened up my rucksack to quickly put the shopping away before going to my computer, and what did I hear jingling? Yeah, my keys... in an inside pocket of my rucksack. Not even the first time this has happened to me. I'm an idiot.


Seems like we both have very similar experiences as gay men with Sugar Rush, it is probably still in my top 3 favourite TV shows, I have to rewatch it every couple of years, it was so important to me as a gay teenager and I really do think it still holds up as a quite raw realistic portrayal of 'the gays', especially gay young women. It weirdly influenced my music tastes too. I would adore a podcast about it, especially because it may open the door for other people to find the show


You mentioning wanting to go to Norway reminded me of how I went to visit my boyfriend in Norway a few months ago n I could only go for a few days. We had a day planned with all the touristy activities but were so hungover we abandoned all the plans and watched your YouTube all day😭it was precious. My boyfriend wants to know because you mentioned you love Cilla in your video if you have ever seen the video of her eating Oxo cube on oranges and saying how much she loves it, if you havent you have to watch it x


lymp, i have a PhD interview tomorrow and been abso shitting it. your podcasts are what i always turn to when i need to decompress so thank you my lil angel faced friend xxx on another note, would you consider re-doing the lost harry potter pod? would loooove to hear you talk about it. hope noverella has found her wallet! xx


Good luck with it darling!! 💕 also she found it in the kitchen drawer 🤦‍♀️


Goodmorning darlin! Thank you for such a lovely pod. This seems like a type of program that my mum would watch when i was younger as she was into shows like call of the midwife, any kind of british period drama so if i watch it nowadays I may recognise it, plus another memory of my mum. Honestly with sugar rush i think if i would have watched that when i was younger i mean a young girl called kim whos finding out she’s gay and in love with their bestfriend sounds very familiar. thank you for such a lovely podcast as usual doll, ps: hope nova finds her wallet


p.s I've just watched the Village for the first time and I'm going to enjoy writing about this and using it as an example of the psychology behind manipulation and how we deal with grief and loss for my essay.


My mam loved this show. I never watched it but I remember it being on in the background a lot. For some reason I associate it with Wild at Heart, the itv show with Amanda Holden. Maybe we watched them on the same day or something? Not sure. But I used to love that show! Great episode. I checked out Olivia’s Instagram and can agree that is gross and baby-filled. 😂


I loved this show! Although Robert was everything that drives me nuts about stereotypical straight men. His storylines were snoozers. My little closeted 18-year-old self also fantasized to no end about Fisher Bloom and Daniel. 🙈


Who am I kidding, my older out 31-year-old self fantasizes about Fisher Bloom and Daniel to no end.

Kyle Ross

I grew up in the suburbs where everyone has a stick up their ass, and I would love nothing more than to live on a nice quiet farm or in the mountains somewhere. Basically I want to live in the Waltons lol


Just listened to the podcast - I love LRtC. I love most period/costume dramas, tbh. I remember watching it on TV, then bought the box set on DVD and watched it with my partner. I think I love watching them because they have all the actors in it - and love going ‘oh, it’s them [insert 50 other shows they’ve been in]’. But they guy who players Laura’s father, plays Mr Bates in Downton Abbey. And the Pratt sisters … my word 😂 I want to rewatch it now.