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Airline is a ridiculous fly-on-the-wall TV series originating in the UK featuring entitled people getting angry when they're told they've arrived too late to board a flight. There was an equally absurd American version which featured passengers who were just as irate at the realisation that they have the time management skills of a camel.

Like who thought this was entertainment?




Totally unrelated to Airline as I’m catching up on eps. Earlier in the pandemic, I had a zoom with the director of Space Cadets. Never heard of it before but he was talking about multicam directing and brought it up as one of the more interesting points in his career. He also mentioned that it was an incredibly difficult show to make. There were multiple times where a member of the crew slipped up and almost blew the whole thing. I recall him mentioning it was almost ruined very early on when the contestants had just arrived. Anyways, he went on to be series director on Big Brother for a few years and directed a lot of the Derren Brown live specials. Many of the crew who worked on Space Cadets also worked on Big Brother, hence the ‘diary room’ being featured in both shows. I wish this type of ‘constructed reality’ tv would come back! Very much a once in a lifetime show.


It’s funny that you chose this as an episode topic because me and my friends at about the age of 12 were obsessed with what we called the squeaky bird lady from airline. She was the one who couldn’t get to Barcelona to interview some teachers and had an utter meltdown and we all thought her crying was the pinnacle of comedy. Ta for another great pod!


I used to stay up late to watch repeats of Airline and Most Haunted at like 1am... may have missed a few days of school due to it


Great pod!! I just have to add a tidbit... My mom was a flight attendant for 30 plus years. She started back when the uniforms were huge orange polyester bell-bottoms and such. She's in her 70s now and has been long retired but I always love hearing about the famous people she met and how they were in person. One that stands out is Lucille Ball.. apparently my mom was stuck working the first class section which she hated because the people were not as polite as coach seating. Well when my mom approached Lucille Ball after take off to see if she wanted refreshments she did not look at or reply to my mom.. but the gal next to her said to my mom " Ms.Ball doesn't speak to the help"! How's that shit huh? Your pod just got my memory bank going so thank you!


A happy new year to everyone!! Let’s make sure 2022 is a good year!! Great pod on YOUR CHANNEL! Speaking of space cadets, it reminded me of a show called Crossfire of X-fire as channel 4 called it. One of those trying new ideas of the back in 2001. Sort of crystal maze idea but paintballing was the main background where teams would face 3 challenges relating to saving the world and against some special force team. They had to earn “credits” in every challenge and earn their place on a leaderboard. It was a show I loved at the me. Don’t know if anyone else here watched it? Currently, rewatching on YT, just a shame it’s only in 360p there hahaha. I loved the show airline and still rewatch nowadays along with the airport sister programme, so much so I worked at my local airport for about 5 years and yup saw it all!! From dealing with angry and frustrated passengers to helping passengers check in mattresses and bathroom sinks and god knows what else haha. It was a great job but the shifts by the end of it where just getting too much. Sending love ❤️❤️

Joe Crabtree

Hi Olympia! I have a suggestion for a possible future pod: the deep sea! 🐟 I love hearing you talk about subjects like space and the mystery surrounding it and I think the deep sea would be an interesting topic of discussion! Happy new year doll 🥳x


Do a divas podcast about Little Mix and Jesy Nelson's meme performance of her solo debut song Boyz, and claims of blackfishing


I'm on a nostalgia kick at the minute as well which is mainly consisting of watching youtube gameplay of games I used to play as a kid mainly the old animal crossing games. I think it's an escapism/comfort thing because everything in the modern world has gone down the shitter. Also would you consider doing a 60 minutes australia parody? I think theres potentially a lot to work with there. Great pod as always xxx


I got 500€ in compensation because I volunteered to change my flight to another one 3 hours later — easyjet had oversold, as they always do. Easiest money I ever made! No one else wanted to do it


As always a brilliant pod, Naur weigh did I comment the theme of the next episode by fluke, shite minds think alike. In response to your understandable confusion, The war of the worlds album is a high camp, musical, audio dramatization of the war of the worlds book. Just watched the New Years video and was losing it over the saroman Cher edit, would you consider dipping your podcasting toe in the lord of the rings water? All the best :)


Your voice is really good for singing Hayley Williams!!!