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Dubbed Cicada 3301 by the army of armchair detectives who would try in vain to solve it, it was described as "the most elaborate and mysterious puzzle of the Internet age". Posted anonymously in 2012, there were 2 follow up puzzles (the last of which still hasn't been solved) in order to find recruits of high intellect, especially where codebreaking and cyber security are concerned. There's an excellent video on the matter linked below, should you want an in-depth awareness of the topic before you hit play.

Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cicada_3301

Lemmino video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2O7blSSzpI




I used to think I was really intelligent but things like this are a gentle reminder that I'm a bit thick. I think you and Nova could do a really good parody of MovieBitches. I'm not sure if you've heard of them but something about their dynamic reminds me of you two.


Half of this Pod went over my head - I’m so two-thousand and late. Interesting nonetheless. On the topic of new films, have you had chance to watch “Old”. It’s the new MNight film - thought it would have caught your attention.