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...and it's a Full Of Beef starring Nora German. Today yer gerls are sitting down with a chino to discuss everyone's favourite lovely bird next door, Jen Aniston. We come to the conclusion that alongside Lisa Kudrow, she successfully managed to get past the association people have with her character from Friends. Can we tell you a single thing about any of the characters she's played since 2004? Not really. But Gen loves Jen so wanted to talk about Jen on a pod with Lymp and Gen.




I’m not the biggest Jennifer Aniston fan, so I can’t say too much about her work, although I did go see “We’re the Millers” in the theater because my friend had a song in the film and I wanted to show my support. The song ended up being over the opening credits, so I was stuck watching the rest of it after that with nothing to look forward to. 😂 I really want to convince Nova to try watching “I Love You Phillip Morris”, because I don’t like Jim Carey either, but that movie is in my top 5 of all time. Please give it a shot! 🖤


Lovely pod as always! I forgot to comment last week but the mentions of Gothika bought back memories of my mum and the some of the films she used to bang on about to anyone who’d listen. I distinctly remember her watching that and telling everyone about it, as well as a film called Triangle. No one’s ever heard of Triangle when she mentions it but it’s dead good so I thought I’d pass on her recommendation 💕