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LISA. Jesus, I love Lisa. Everyone knows Lisa Kudrow, most probably because of Friends but hopefully also because of The Comeback and Web Therapy which are exquisite shows. It's the fourth episode in my inspirational ladies series!




I would Cherish a series of much loved women personalities. I love Annette Bening. I tend to assume you’ve seen everything but then you hadn’t seen Drop Dead Gorgeous, so I’m making sure you’ve seen Running With Scissors? I shan’t spoil it if you haven’t, but its been a long time favourite!


Hellooo hope you are well! Going to switch back into my Eurovision mindset for a sec, I’m absolutely thrilled about the top 5, all so deserving, surprised about how Malta placed and SHOCKED about how low down San Marino was bless her, Ukraine especially I think will always have a place in my heart for the sheer madness of it all. Also, I’ve started listening to Måneskin’s other music and honestly the lead singer’s voice just gets sexier overtime, have a good week!