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I adore Amy Adams. Do I find her influential enough to be included in the lovely lady series that the pod is currently experiencing? Probably not. If I really think about it, I can list the pictures I've seen her in on 2 hands with fingers to spare, but some of those pictures are so important to me that it makes enough sense. It makes even more sense when I'm also throwing in my review of The Woman in the Window which dropped on Netflix yesterday like a steamy cowpat.




On the topic of Jessica Chastain, have you seen Crimson Peak? It’s my favourite movie and Jessica plays a killer villain! A lot of people didn’t enjoy it but I believe that’s because it was marketed as a horror but it’s more of a gothic romance with horror elements. If you haven’t seen it, I think it’s worth a watch. I also just realized that you aren’t digging into an actual Squash every episode Anyways, love the Pod!!!


It's a movie you can watch. It's ok. Have no negative thoughts to say about it. I watched it. It happened.