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Two Fat Ladies is a BBC2 television cooking programme starring Clarissa Dickson Wright and Jennifer Paterson - two people who could not give a flying fuck what you thought about them. Their self-titled show saw them travel around The British Isles cooking the most unhealthy, lard-smothered, meat-based, heavy cream-laden dishes that even Char would flinch at. They've both passed away now and so their largely non-pc style of twee British telly probably won't see the light of day again, but during times of illness I like to wrap up with a bev and watch them cook their awful shit.

Did I spend the majority of the episode talking through the Eurovision comments from last week? Well yes but let's all be cool.




Oh god, I have to take issue with the persecution of Clarissa! It's all a bit beyond my time but I started watching after the podcast and I think she's a lovely relic of her time,,, and dare I defend the lemon shirt?


I hope y'all are enjoying the new freedoms whilst I'm still monitored for a piss in Austria


I used to watch them when they were on Food Network in the US and I loved it so much. I still watch episodes on YouTube. Shame there's not more.