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Robert William Fisher is an American fugitive who, as of this post, is the person who has had the longest tenure on the list of FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives to still evade capture - for the alleged murder of his wife and children in Arizona, almost two decades ago. The FBI Most Wanted list has always creeped me the *fack* out since there's a very real chance that these people are currently operating within society under new names. This guy's face is so indelibly burned into my memory that I would ABSOLUTELY be able to spot him in a crowd, don't even @ me.




You become a diamond 💎under pressure. So keep your head up💁‍♀️ No matter the weather☀️🌧


Thank god the dog was okay, I was more worried about the dog then anything else. Legendary Creature better be in the top 100 or i will quit watching cat videos