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...and it's a monthly Full Of Beef starring Nerva. We've had this one on the back burner for ages and today seemed like the perfect day for it. Both of us have been approached by people to join MLMs/pyramid schemes over the years (as of course you will have) and they're quite hideously fascinating. There's a lot of crossover discussion with cults so the whole thing is right up our alley/arse.

Arbonne being sus: https://ethanvanderbuilt.com/2017/06/05/arbonne-sued-for-being-a-pyramid-scheme/

Iilluminaughtii channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/iilluminaughtii



Mark Hall

I think this is my fave full of it ep. I had to come back and relisten to it recently. My mum’s just retired and she’s told me that multiple women have crawled outta the woodwork to congratulate her….and then try and recruit her to an MLM 🤦🏼‍♂️ no shame. Thankfully she’s been smart enough to politely decline every single one of em thank god.


oh I've been approached by Arbonne people so many times. I was confused but then googled "is Arbonne a pyramid scheme" and then ran away lol. One girl (who I didn't actually even know) found me on two Instagram accounts and Facebook after I blocked her each time so at least I can say they're persistent


Thanks for doing this pod! I’ve seen people from my sixth form who have gone to good unis get roped in by the mlm fantasy and it’s sometimes hard to understand why/how. It’s definitely not a case of stupidity with MLM people but more of vulnerability and I think you both explained this really well. Often these people become more vulnerable as they shun themselves from their friends for constantly peddling the products. It’s such a shame!