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Kath & Kim is an Australian sitcom and giant fucking boulder of star dust sent from on high. If you've never watched it then dipping into an episode for a mere 30 seconds will give you everything you need to know about how Nova and I live our lives. It's my ultimate go-to comfort watch and main inspiration for fashion choices.




You bitch! I started watching Kath and Kim after this pod and I’ve been watching all week. I’m actually obsessed. Why have you done this to me! Jokes aside, this show is amazing. Some of the shit that comes out of their mouths is just incredible. Personal favourite is “and I pacifically said I didn’t want you in leg o mutton sloives” absolutely brilliant


I literally started watching Kath and Kim yesterday! That second episode where she's running about town seeing all the gay references wherever she turned had me pissing myself. I can feel a new fave coming on