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A Death in Oslo is the title of the second episode of Netflix's second volume of Unsolved Mysteries. I've spoken about this case before and I couldn't hold it off any longer. The mystery surrounds an unidentified woman who was found dead in a Norwegian hotel in 1995. No one has ever been able to figure out who she was and why she either killed herself or (in my opinion more likely) was killed. It's a strange case for me because while it has a hundred question marks, I'm satisfied in a probable conclusion even though it means that we'll never get all the answers.

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/6evqa7/in_1995_jennifer_fergate_was_found_dead_in_her/

Imgur photos: (Warning: graphic pics) https://imgur.com/a/GdC3s

Floorplan: https://imgur.com/a/2NcRn

VG 3d room map: https://www.vg.no/spesial/2017/plaza-english/#utforsk-rommet




A crime YouTuber Stephanie Harlow has a great updated video on this case.

Mark Hall

Just got round to this one and am feeling super poo with booster shot side effects. Had such a good laugh listening to you theorise about Kitty Puss and the Craven Raven, thank you xx