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As a crossy who tells fart jokes on YouTube, I have absolutely no business discussing an individual like Marina Abramović. So here we go. Born in war-torn former Yugoslavia, Abramović would explode in the art world some 30 years later and become one of the most fascinating and well-known conceptual and performance artists to ever exist. I first came across Marina in the clip below which my roommates and I barely made sense of as we discovered it on an early version of Facebook. From there I would dip my toe into exploring her work but am I simply too flippant to ever 'get' art? Well yes of course I am.

Marina sees Ulay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS0Tg0IjCp4

Marina Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marina_Abramovi%C4%87




Watched the hotel Tina video and I wonder if she is still alive


Starting this podcast of with Marina put a big smile on my face. I’m a right slut for her music. I went to see her live in Manchester last October and she had Allie X opening for her. They were both incredible. I’ve heard of Abramović’s piece where she let people do whatever they wanted to her but never understood it so I just thought she was a bit of a loon. I have trouble understanding the meaning behind art unless someone spells it out for me. Because I’ve just listened to the past two podcasts I might as well put my thoughts about the previous one here. I saw this film when I was very little on TV and I think the scene that’s burned into my brain is where she’s stashing money under the bath. I was so excited for the secret Santa this year because I just missed it when I joined the Patreon last year but I’m going to have to give it a miss this year because the family member that I was caring for passed away which is a bit of a shitter because that technically means I’m unemployed as I won’t be getting paid for it anymore. I’m lucky enough to have people that will help support me and some savings to live on, and I don’t have to worry about rent as I’m still living in his house. Looking forward to the next podcast, as well as this other work you’ve been talking about. Stay safe!