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With the release of his first novel Carrie in 1973, Stephen King would change the landscape of horror forever. He is perhaps known as the greatest spooky fiction writer of all time, earning him the moniker of "King of Horror". Join me this crisp October evening as we navigate other seminal works such as The Shining and Misery, picking out highlights that have best translated to cinema and TV.




Hey girl, another great podcast, Stephen King! What an amazing writer, always loved misery, the idea of a mad nurse kidnapping a bloke in the guise of helping when she was really obsessed and stalking spoke to me on a spiritual level.....joking, she was a full on crank!. in the book she cuts one of pauls feet off with an axe at the ankle and uses a blow torch to seal the wound, so glad she just broke them in the film, i still can’t watch her do it to him it makes me feel ill! I do love how well equipped her house is with saline drips, what appears to be an entire clinical room, wheelchairs and crutches! its better stocked than my own emergency department, love the idea of her going home from work with that equipment under her coat! Haha. And poor shelly duval! That awful Dr Phil interview is one of the messiest and upsetting exploitations of a person with mental health problems I have ever seen, thankfully it seems she got the proper help she needed, i also really liked the stephen King TV Series “Kingdom Hospital” which was a king adaptation of a lars von trier series that was creepy as hell that i think was in danish on bbc2 late night in the 90’s its reported king used his hit and run accident to write the character who starts off in a coma at the hospital with creepy goings on like ghost children and a giant ant eater that collects souls! The shining used to creep the hell out of me and can’t watch it alone, that manky old lady in the bath and the isolation, the scene when wendy walks up to the novel that jack is writing and it all just saying all work and no play always gives me chills and the door scene where jack is so frenzied and wendy is hysterical is brilliant! Sorry for the ramble, on nights so off to bed. Looking forward for the next one!


I watched The Haunting of Bly Manor and I loved it. The kid actors were really good!