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Dracula is an 1897 gothic horror novel that would solidify the tone and lore for vampire fiction in the century that would follow. Let's traverse the vampire landscape as we discover that traditionally, vampires were thought to be dark and bloated before Bram Stoker came along. His novel would inspire one of the creepiest movies ever in Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht and play a small role in my English Lit studies as a teenager, before appearing as the first ep in this month's series of creepy Halloween pods.




nova's sister sounds like my type........ is she into canadians by chance


Thoroughly enjoyed the BBC Dracula mini-series, Claes Bang played the role so well! Having said that, wasn't sure about the ending but then I haven't read the book (yet) so can't compare it. I like the idea of Vampires and seeing different takes on the concept, like Half-Vampires. I think it's the elegance and power they are generally portrayed to have. I think with Twilight the diamond-like skin was a take on the reaction to sunlight. They can't be seen in sunlight like the standard vampire but instead of death, there's just a huge fuck off sign telling people they probably aren't human, which would likely lead to death when human society takes an interest. Like you I'll watch the new The Witches film but I've got reservations about Anne Hathaway in the role. I just don't feel like she fits the it quite like Anjelica Huston did. Maybe I'm wrong. I laughed when you said that chances are if it's a movie it'll have Judy Greer or Stanley Tucci as he plays Mr. Stringer the hotel manager in the new The Witches film. While you were talking about your plans for Halloween, content wise, I couldn't help think how brilliant a Halloween version of your Self-Isolation Vaccation/Jumanji videos would be. Just putting that out there. If you haven't already spoken about it, it would be interesting to hear about how long you've known how you were going to end Wendigo Solutions. Was it more play it by ear or did you have ideas bubbling away for a while? Dunno if people would be interested in a separate podcast a bit like FoI #9 where you watch and provide commentary to each of the Wendigo eps? Great ep as always, can't wait for the rest in Oct!