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By all accounts, Diane Schuler was a pillar of her suburban New York community - the perfect mother, wife and citizen. It makes it all the more shocking and confusing then, to discover that on Sunday July 26, 2009 she drove almost 2 miles in the wrong direction at 80 mph down the Taconic State Parkway resulting in a collision that caused the deaths of 8 people, including herself. Yes, hello, it's yer girl ready to spend an obscene amount of time talking about it.

Contains discussions about alcoholism, addiction and suicide.




Oh I love Urban Legends! Fun fact: In Dutch we call them Broodje Aap, which means monkey sandwich. The one that scared me most as a child was one about a group of men who would go around asking girls if they wanted a group rape or an angel smile. When they'd choose the latter they'd cut open the sides of her mouth and pour salt in the wounds to make sure it would scar into a creepy smile. Ugh just typing it makes me ill.


Firstly, Urban Legends? Without a doubt, yes please! Now, I hadn't heard of Diane Schuler before you mentioned it in one of your previous pods so I went and watched the documentary when you suggested. For me, based on the events leading up to the crash, it boils down to she either intended it or she didn't. If she intended it, that's awful to know you're going to take not just your own children but those of other people in your family as well, with you. If she didn't intend it, she had the opportunity to stop and someone else come and collect her and the children but didn't. Either way paints her in a terrible picture. I feel like the toothache/abscess that she had been dealing with came back that day and when she couldn't get pain killers used either cannabis or alcohol to numb the pain. I think it likely she was already drinking the alcohol as a high-functioning alcoholic, which would explain why she would have a high blood alcohol level without appearing drunk as she'd have a higher tolerance to it than the average person. Mind you, if she then had some cannabis to numb the pain wouldn't someone have smelt it? She couldn't have left the kids alone to do that! Then again, what do I know, I've listened to you and watched the documentary so I have about 3.5-4hrs knowledge of this case. Listening to you read the comments about the Aberfan disaster made me think of the Victoria Hall disaster that happened in my home town of Sunderland. 183 children died. It didn't happen within living memory (1883) so isn't nearly as raw as Aberfan. The only reason I knew about it was because of the statue in the city park. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Hall_disaster I know you've said on a few occasions that you and Nova don't watch telly much, me neither, but wasn't sure if you'd heard of the drama on ITV this past week called Des. It's based on the arrest of the serial killer Dennis Nilsen. I hadn't heard of him until recently only to find out he was one of the most prolific serial killers there has been in the UK. Loving these 2hr+ pods, such easy listening even when the subject matter isn't the lightest. P. S. Not that it makes a blind bit of difference now but just listened to you talk about Princess Dianna in ep 5 of Full Of It. Didn't take long to talk about her as you'd thought.