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The other half of our Unsolved Mysteries pod moment, this episode focuses on a French family who were found dead at their family home in Nantes in 2011. The main suspect is the family patriarch Xavier who remains missing as of this post. The first solo episode since our Quarantine pods, this is another bleak, murdery/suicide discussion.



Mark Hall

Still catching up on pods 😅 what you said about royals not being “appointed by god” got me thinking that I bet at one point in history some mad for power person probably killed for the throne and then ingrained the god thing into their stupid peasant subjects so it seemed like the leadership was an exclusive club. Like “well you could kill me but you still couldn’t be king cos you’re not appointed by god 🤷🏻‍♂️ so…..”. Just fully weaponised their religion for power. I mean everyone was mega god fearing back then so it wouldn’t have taken much work but still.

Kyle Ross

I have the same problem as Nova where I feel SO guilty if I have a day where I do nothing. I feel like it's existential crisis related, like I feel like oh no I only have like 60 years left to live tops so I better be constantly doing something