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We've held off from posting content this week due to a focus on the Black Lives Matter movement. The murder of George Floyd has sparked worldwide outrage forcing us as white people to consider how we use our voices and fight for equality, which had yer girls sitting down today at the beginning of pride month to talk about the black queer people at the heart of the Stonewall uprising.




I think it's also difficult for quite a few people to talk and get involved due to how angry these issues can make them, and it's especially difficult for those (myself included) who have a lot on their plate mentally and/or physically. I for one find it incredibly difficult (even when just thinking, going in on the subject in my mind and the absurd opposing stance) not to turn into a seething, screaming ball of liberal rage. I myself wasn't raised to have racial, sexual or patriarchal biases so I simply cannot understand how people pick up these absurd opinions. Religion is one of the main reasons that come to mind (and don't even get me started on that), but I also think that narcissism and this absurd assumption that we all need to be the same is another defining factor in many of these issues. It's funny because I think that if you put a racist or a homophobe (or any kind of discriminatory person) in a therapists office and let them ramble, they'd be diagnosed with a whole host of mental health problems. I also think it's important that we begin calling so-called homophobia hetero-elitism or hetero-moralism, because part of so-called homophobia is this assumption that anything considered "inferior" needs to be destroyed or wiped out, even if said inferior thing isn't even a threat, and the moralism part goes with the "sexual deviancy" argument and this opinion that the nuclear family and heterosexuality are morally righteous and correct. Despite the very fact(?) that heterosexuals are the ones generally making babies, which we apparently have too many of because the planet is overpopulated.


Also, I think it's worth noting that (according to my knowledge) Judy Garland had also died a couple of days or even the day before the Stonewall riots broke out. As someone who was considered an ally, icon and is still loved by many gays to this day, I think her death was also a catalyst for the riots.