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This week I've decided to marry a few things together - unsolved mystery shit which continues to be imbedded in Cult Elder requests for the podcast and Disney, which might keep Nova a little more engaged. Rebecca Coriam was a crewmember on the ocean liner Disney Wonder when she disappeared from the ship in 2011 in the only such case of a worker onboard a Disney ship vanishing without a trace. Rebecca was last seen on ship CCTV making a distressing phone call in the crew lounge before the disappearance which people theorise was due to anything from a rogue wave to stowing away to start a new life.

Contains discussions about suicide.




I can’t say I buy into foul play being involved, with the population density of cruise ships as well as logistically incapacitating an adult and proceeding to somehow get them over into the ocean I don’t believe it would be as simple as we think. I more so believe that if she was distraught she may have found relaxation in sitting or being on the side of the ship (think Jack and Rose standing on the edge of the ship) and accidentally slipped overboard. I recount many times me and my friends have spent nights sitting on our roofs with a cheeky drink or a smoke just talking garbage, even though it’s dangerous and yes look I have fallen of many a roof in my time there is just some what of a thrill sitting up there and looking across the view or neighbourhood!


Standing ovation for you girls for the House Party! I can only imagine how stressful it must have been to get everyone's videos in so that you could edit the show in time, and when you're dealing with that many people it can be like herding cats! I would give everyone a fake deadline a few days before the real one so you can chase the late ones - we do that with a family member who ALWAYS turns up late. We give her an hour before and she just ends up arriving at the correct time an hour later lol. I do hope you are able to set up another one. Lockdown for me hasn't been much of a change in that I really didn't go out much before it started, so having a digital drag show to watch is just amazing. The Disney Resort in Hawaii is called Aulani - we plan on going in the future (we are Disney Vacation Club Members so can use our points to stay there). Our friends have been and absolutely loved it! It's not like a WDW or Disneyland holiday as it's just a hotel resort, but you've got all of the island of Maui to explore including where they filmed JURASSIC PARK! My friend is such a nerd for that film and it was one of the highlights for her. Moana is there, and you can still dine with the characters and meet and greet them, but it's more about the Hawaiian experience more than anything. It's a beautiful resort. As for a Disney Cruise we go back and forth on deciding if we should do it - but they're so bloody expensive, and even though they have all the Disney touches, I still feel like it would be Butlins on Sea - that's all I think of when I think of crusies! We have had to cancel our Disneyland California trip for September and I'm absolutely gutted. I don't know what is going to happen with the reopening of the Disney Parks as I'm in a vulernable category and it worries me so much :( Walt Disney World is my personal happy place (I know that sounds a bit sad, but it literally keeps me going all year) and we go nearly every year. We have got Disneyland Paris booked for Christmas, but again, I think we may have to move it :( Your video of the Orbitron makes me howl when Olympia had to move and just kept saying "I don't like it!" as the ride was going around. Just brilliant! I've not listened to all of the podcast yet - but I know of this case and there is deffo a Disney coverup! Sorry this one was uber long, but it's Disney and I can't yammer on about that for a LONG time!