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My Grandad Arthur Hewitt passed away last week so he could be reunited with my Grandma Gwen. He was beloved by my family so I wanted to take the time out to share with you why I think every child in the world deserves a grandad like him. This isn't a super weepy one, I think it's quite lovely to recount my childhood memories of him as a dedication. There's no crying, that was left behind in the Chyna episode. I've popped some photos of Arthur and Gwen down below for reference. :)




So sorry for you, lovely, sending loads of love💕 My grandad passed away last month and we had his funeral on my birthday. It’s terrible but when you have so many happy memories, you just have to try your best to focus on them. Your grandfather sounded like a great guy! X


My Gran and Pops (Mother’s side. Irish. Extremely Irish - I’ll let you fill in the very accurate stereotypes lol) have always been the most loving and supportive people in my life. When I came out as gay as a very skinny twinky teen, so worried about their reaction or what they’d think, they sat me down very seriously and told me ‘they would always love me and to please eat a fucking sandwich’. A few years ago, when I came out as trans, I stayed with them for a summer in Ireland. They spent those 2 months wanting to learn and educate themselves before bringing me to the lgbt+ centre in cork where they of course became best friends with the old gay man who founded it and his husband. They’re now at pride every year. When it came to changing my name and using the correct pronouns, my very forgetful, octogenarian Gran and Pops - who could be forgiven for finding it hard to remember - put the rest of my family to shame and really set the standard. They never made me feel like it was hard work to love me, which I’ll always hold close. Sorry if I’ve waffled a bit, but hearing you talk about your grandparents really resonated and I completely agree that everyone deserves people like grandad Hewitt in their life, what an absolute peach! I’ll really miss my grandparents when it’s their time to go, but I’m so lucky that I got to know them. Ps. Similarly - my Gran is known by different names depending on who you talk to. She’s most commonly known as Pam/Pamela, but her birth name is actually Antoinette, which I think is just so camp lol x