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Having recently seen the rebooted, retconned sequel to the original 70s slasher movie Halloween (try to keep up), I'm spending the day delving into this bizarre subgenre of horror. It's an entire catalogue of movies dedicated to showing us virgins running from maniacs wielding knives and chainsaws, maybe popping the odd tit out.




Bit late on commenting but I’m in the progress of listening through every episode (at an alarming rate). I highly recommend watching videos from CryptTV (I think that’s their name). They started with short videos of different creatures that all take place in the same universe and have recently been branching out into bigger productions that take place over several episodes. I think you’d find it a right treat, and might even get a good spook.


Love this genre! Completely agree it’s gotten stale recently. I think it’s partly due to the fact we as an audience have become so desensitised to this sort of viewing whereas in the 70s/80s it was seen as truly shocking.