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I can only apologise if I've bungled any of the facts regarding 9/11 and for doing an episode about something so horrendous in the first place, but there are many facets of the September 11 attacks which I wanted to talk about.




Some of the 9/11 terrorists stayed at a hotel a mile away from the house where I grew up. They burned down the building in a training exercise for firemen. Also, Osama was killed on 02MAY2012. It was my 21st birthday.


Pissing myself at the contrast between how our parents told us about 9/11. My mum picked me up after school and literally rushed me home saying “something terrible has happened!”😂 I remember sitting down while she made me lunch and watching the second plane hit, telling my mum and her saying “no no don’t worry it’s just showing the first one again”. Bleak but I remember it like it was yesterday!