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I've never really gone into detail about my arachnophobia but spiders seem to be trying my patience at the moment. I've decided to discuss the true extent of my fear and look into getting phobia exposure therapy. 




Do the Russian bird in the wheelchair xx VERY Olympia x


I use to have a private practice before i started working for the government. I used exposure therapy techniques on a lot of my patients who had OCD (especially with fear of germs.) I was always checking with them to monitor whether or not they felt it was helpful. Might start with something as small as imagining picking up a pen off my office floor or touching the doorknob then work up to actually doing those things. Gradually building on progress. Rapport/trust with your therapist is essential. Dont hesitate to look for another if something feels off. Good luck!


Look up Lucas the spider! He’s so adorable it might help you think of them a little differently