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You may have noticed that the newest page that was released was one that you have already seen. That is because it was noticed that when I started this Reza chapter, I accidentally skipped a page.

The page that was just publicly released (263) is the page that was initially skipped. To correct this, I have now edited the previously-released Patron versions of pages 263 and 264 so the numbers are consistent with the public releases.

Basically, the pages from this chapter that you have already seen were adjusted to increase their listed page number by 1 so the real first page of chapter 14 could be inserted at its correct place (number 263).

This page shows how Reza got from the top of the structure with the crank to the ground and gives a first glimpse of the damage the explosion caused before the action starts...

I hope that clears up any confusion you may have had!


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