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Before I moved onto my next project, there were some things I definitely wanted to be known about the AwSW world.

I thought that almost every character had another story that could be told about them, and there were also characters who weren't seen at all in AwSW that could finally be shown. 

In the dragon world, we can finally see a slice of the characters' daily lives without the lingering threat of Reza and the comet in AwSW.

The past hides a lot of secrets that play into the characters' motivations we see them have in AwSW.

This especially applies to Reza and the human world in general. In a way, the true ending of AwSW may feel too open because of how little is known about the human world, so I feel this will add some important context. 

These were all stories that are too important not to tell, and I was looking for a good opportunity to tell them. Since there are no choices to be made in the past and no central character or plot that unifies all these stories, a visual novel didn't really make sense.

Making a comic was the perfect solution. Even though it is more linear, the way we are doing things still adds a twist as to how and when we release chapters. Because the events in AwBH take place in different times and settings, there are still chapters that connect in interesting ways, which means they do require other chapters to have been released earlier to make sense. This way, some  elements of choice and different paths still make it into AwBH.

Now that I'm done with the writing and the artists are working on the pages, I'd like to think I've written some very touching chapters and moments, while others will give a more mundane look into the dragons' world. The human world, however, also has some interesting stories to tell.

I certainly hope you will find AwBH to give you a new and greater perspective on the AwSW world. 


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