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It's SPOOPY season everyone! Yay!!!

I hope everyone is excited for wearing their "costume" this year :p How many babies are going to knock on my door and ask for a trick or treat? ^_^

Halloween isn't quite as big in the UK as in America, but it's more popular now than it was. I'd love to spend Halloween in the US one year though, and see all the houses and crazy events where they go all in with costumes and decoration! It looks so fun.

As you can probably tell, the theme this month is going to be the spooky season, so if you have any ideas for trick or treat punishments, diaper filling candy, or humiliating costumes please let me know! As always, if you would rather request something else thats fine too.    

For those of you on an art reward tier, please make sure to send me your image requests before the 10th of the month, so I can get them all done in good time. There is no theme this month, so just send me your best ideas!

For everyone else, I will be posting the fan art request form very soon. Please make sure you are not requesting characters that were drawn in the previous month, as they will not be available until the month after. Lets keep the ideas fresh!

Thank you again for supporting my art. It really is appreciated.

Love you all

Berri x



Fun fact, Halloween is most likely an Irish tradition 😛 although the trick or treating is likely an American thing lol. Can't speak for other countries but every year in Ireland there's loads of fireworks and bonfires lit up on Halloween