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It's time for sketch suggestions!

Comment below on what character(s) you would like me to sketch this month, and I will then turn that list into a poll which you can all vote on. I will then draw the 3 most popular ones for this months sketch requests.

Last month I drew: Link, Berri & Bryn, and She-Ra & Catra


- Maximum of 2 characters per suggestion
- To make sure we are getting a good mix of character suggestions, please do not suggest a character I have drawn in the previous month.
Each month should be a different character.



Lilith from D4 holding a hypnotized female barbarian. "Not such a big hero now are you? No. You just really wanted your mommy."


Female trainer for Pokémon Scar/Vi with her uniform replaced by a Pokémon theme onesie with obvious diaper bulge and being forcefed a bottle by a large gardevoir.


Lorelei (Pokemon) pouting in childish attire that includes a pair of girly shortalls and a large diaper bulge. Someone from offstage is telling her that she agreed to the bet and lost, so she can only be upset at herself.


Ruby Rose (RWBY) hyper-messing her pamp while sitting on Blake's face, Ruby is distracted playing her Gameboy. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/6/6f/V2_03_00011.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20151124094347


Nonon from kill la kill getting a humiliating diaper change.